

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1972, Síða 52

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1972, Síða 52
34 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ to fit himself for full responsibiiity in whatever field of medicine he seeks to become established. Many but not all of the medical schools in Britain were establish- ed by the universities. Some of the earliest schools were in London and were established independently at hospitals, which only later became linked with the University of London. As a large proportion of the British graduates received at least their clinical training in London, this meant, that in much of its formative period, British medical education was less subject to university influences than were most other contemporary disciplines. This relative detachment from the universities was even more marked in postgraduate than undergraduate education. The first specifically designated postgraduate school of London University was the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine originally established in University College, London. and only separately established in its present premises as recently as 1928. Six years later a hospital, which had not previously been as- sociated with teaching at Hammersmith, was designated as the Head- quarters of the Postgraduate Medical School of London and many of you know it and men such as John Goodwin and Bill Cleland well. The Institute of Psychiatry and the Institute of Child Health followed a little later and other establishments were develop- ing at certain other specialist hospitals in London for the promotion of training in other special disciplines. Apart from the School of Hygiene these London institutes were all concerned with training in one or other of the special fields of medicine, surgery or obstetrics in hospital medical practice. Some of them had a long record of leadership in the development of their specialties. They had originated, some of them over 100 years ago, as hospitals in which specialists with a primary interest in a particular field of medicine were able to restrict their concern to that field alone and so to develop a special expertise in it, when such specialisation was not welcomed in the general teaching hospitals in which they also worked. Even such departments as neurology, neurosurgery, cardiology and urology were only developing within the general teaching hospitals in the 1930s. Outside London somewhat similar progress occurred through the establishment of special hospitals for instance for children’s diseases, obstetrics and gynaecology, ophthalmology, ear nose and throat sur- gery and orthopaedic surgery. However, the obsession with the general medical or general surgical approach was less inhibiting in some of the provincial centres. Nevertheless much training of specialists for the future depended upon the aspirant serving as a junior to an established specialist in a relationship that was essentially that of an apprentice. General practitioners were universally available throughout Britain, but even 20 years ago there was no concept of orderly pre- paration for general practice. It was assumed, especially by the hos- pital specialists, that doctors turned aside into general practice not, because their interest led them there but because they saw no way
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