

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1973, Síða 64

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1973, Síða 64
LÆknábladið Seimnar in Pediatric Nepkrology: Current Concepts in Diagnosis and Management PRESENTED BY: Division of Pediatric Nephrology DIRECTOR: Department of Pediatrics University of Miami School of Medicine Miami, Florida Jose Strauss, M.D., Professor and Chief Division of pediatric Nephrology LOCATION OF COURSE: Eden Roc Hotel Miami Beach, Florida DATES: January 2-5, 1974 TUITION: $125; Residents and Fellows $50 with certification of Chief of Service DESCRIPTION: A comprehensive review of major problems in Pediatric Nephrology. Pathogenesis, pathology, clinico- pathological correlations, functional derangements and treatment of glomerulopathies, structural defects and infections, and chronic uremia will be emphasized. INQUIRIES: Division of Continuing Education University of Miami School of Medicine P.O. Box 875 Biscayne Annex Miami, Florida 33152 (Tel. A/C 305, 350-6716)



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