

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1978, Qupperneq 76

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1978, Qupperneq 76
206 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ investigators. This is how I, and I am sure you remember him on this occasion when we honour his memory. And what a contri- bution he would make to our discussion!! Ladies and Gentlemen, Prof. Bjarnason — I thank you. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Berman, C. „Primary Carcinoma of the Liver". H. K. Lewis, London, 1957. 2. Burns, C., Davie4 J. N. P„ Dodge, O. G., Nias, B. „Hodgkin’s Disease in English and African Children". J. Natl Cancer Inst. 1971, 46, 37. 3. Clemmesen, J. „Statistical Studies in Malig- nant Neoplasms". Vol I. Copenhagen. Munksgaard, 1964. 4. Correa, P., O’Conor, G. T. „Epidemioiogic Patterns of Hodgkins Disease". Int. J. Cancer. 1971, 8, 192. 5. Correa, P. „Hodgkins Disease in Latin America”. Nat. Cancer Inst. Monograph No 36., p. 9, NCI Bethesda MD, 1973. 6. Cutler, B. S., Forber, A. P., Ingersol, F. M. et al. „Endometrial Carcinoma after Stilbe- strol Theraphy in Gonadal Dysgenesis”. New Eng J Med. 1972, 287, 62% 7. Davies, J. N. P. „Epidemics of Hodgkins Disease” in Grundman E. S., Tulinius H. Eds. „Epidemiology of Cancer and Lymp- homas“. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1972. 8. Davies, J. N. P. „Geographic Opportunities and Demographic Leads” In Fraumeni J.F. Ed. „Persons at High Risk of Cancer”. Academic Press, New York, 1971. 9. Doll, R„ Hill, A. B. „Smoking and Carci- noma of the Lung“. Brit. Med J. 1950, 2, 739. 10. Doll, R. „The Geographical Distribution of Cancer”. Brit J. Cancer. 1969, 23. 1. 11. Dorken, H. „Morbus Hodgkin Eine Epi- demiologische Studie Uber 140 Kinder — Stadtland-Relation, Berufe Der Eltern, Kontakte Mit Haustieren”. Arch Gesch- wulstforsch, 1975, 45, 283. 12. Greenfield, W. S. Transactions, Pathologi- cal Society of London, 1878, 29, 272. 13. Grufferman, S„ Cole, P„ Smith, P. G„ Lukes, R. J. „Hodgkins Disease in Siblings”. New Eng J Med, 1977, 296, 248. 14. Gutensohn, N„ Li, F. P„ Johnson, R. E„ Cole, P. „Hodgkin’s Disease, Tonsillectomy and Family Size“. New Eng J Med. 1975, 292, 22. 15. Gutensohn, N„ Cole, P. „Epidemiology of Hodgkins Disease in the Young”. Int J Cancer, 1977, 19, 595. 16. Herbst, A. L„ Ulfelder, H„ Poskanzer, D. C. „Adenocarcinoma of the Vagina“. N. Eng. J. Med. 1971, 284, 878. 17. Herbst, A. L„ Robboy, E. J„ Scully, R. E„ et al. „Clear Cell Adenocarcinoma of the Vagina and Cervix in Girls”. Am. J. Obst. Gynecol. 1974, 119, 713. 18. Hirch, A. „Handbook of Geographical and Historical Pathology”. London, New Syden- ham Society, 1886. 19. Hirshaut, Y„ Reagan, R. L„ Perry, S„ Devita, V„ Barile, M. F. „The Search for a Viral Agent in Hodgkins Disease”. Cancer, 1974, 34, 1080. 20. Horder, T. H. „Rose Research on Lympha- denoma”. Wright Bristol, 1935. 21. Hyams, L„ Wynder, E. „Appendectomy and Cancer Risk: An Epidemiological Evalua- tion“. J. Chron. Dis. 1968, 21, 319. 22. Kaplan, H. S. „Hodgkin’s Disease”. Living- stone/Churchiil, London, 1973. 23. Kennaway, E. L. „Cancer of the Liver in the Negro in Africa and in America”. Caneer Res. 1944, 4, 571. 24. Klein, G. „The Epstein Barr Virus and Neoplasia”. New Eng J Med, 1975, 293, 1353. 25. Lacher, M. J. „Hodgkin’s Disease”. John Wiley, New York, 1976. 26. Leighton, P„ Smith, P. G„ Draper, C. J„ Pike, M. C. „Malignant Disease in the Parents of Children dying of Hodgkins Dis- ease“. Brit. J. Cancer, 1974, 30, 373. 27. Lukes, R. J„ Butler, J. J„ Hicks, E. B. „Natural History of Hodgkin’s Disease as Related to its Pathologic Picture". Cancer. 1966, 19, 317. 28. Lukes, R. J„ Craver, L. H„ Hall, T. C„ Rappaport, H„ Rubin, P. „Report of the Nomenclature Committee”. Cancer Res. 1966, 26, 1311. 29. MacMahon, B. „Epidemiological Evidence on the Nature of Hodgkin’s Disease”. Cancer. 1966, 19, 317. 30. MacMahon, B. „Epidemiology of Hodgkin’s Disease”. Cancer Res. 1966, 26, 1139. 31. Mantel, N„ Blot, W. J. „Is Hodgkins Dis- ease Infectious”. J. Natl. Cancer Inst, 1976, 56, 413. 32. Miller, R. W. „Mortality in Childhood Hodgkin’s Disease: An Etiologic Clue“. J. A. M. A. 1966, 198, 216. 33. Oettle, A. G. „Cancer in Africa, Especially in Regions South of the Sahara”. J. Natl Cancer Inst. 1964, 33, 383. 34. Olisa, E. G„ Kovi, J„ Kennedy, J„ Kish, M. H„ Lanava, T. S„ Williams, A. O. „Hodgkins Disease in American Negroes". Am. J Clin Path, 1976, 66, 537. 35. Olweny, C. L. M„ Ziegel, J. L„ Berard, C. W. Templeton, A. C. „Adult Hodgkins Dis- ease in Uganda”. Cancer. 1971, 27, 1295. 36. Pike, M. C„ Smith, P. G. „Clustering of Hodgkins Disease and Leukemia. Cancer, 1974, 34, 1390. 37. Pizzo, P. A„ Magrath, I. T„ Chattopadhyay, S. K„ Biggar, R. J„ Gerber, P. „A New Tumour Derived Transforming Strain of Epstein Barr Virus”. Nature, 1978, 272, 629.
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