

Læknablaðið - 01.07.1979, Page 18

Læknablaðið - 01.07.1979, Page 18
130 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ syni, kerfisfræðingi, yfirmanni tölvudeildar Borgarspitaia, er þökkuð tölvuvinnsla. Gerði Heigadóttur er þökkuð vélritun. SUMMARY This is a study of 306 patients with 330 episodes of myocardiai infarction admitted to Reykjavik City Hospital during 1972-1975. The overall ratio of maies to females was 3.3:1 or 253 males and 77 females. The mean age for the males was 61.8 years and for the females 66.9 years. The mortality rate was 21.8% which repre- sents a decrease of 8.1% compared to a retro- spective study done at the same hospital dur- ing 1956-1968. This decrease in mortality is ascribed to the coronary care unit which was established in 1971. The mortality was similar in anterior and inferior infarctions but was greater if the infarction extended to the later- al part of the heart. 58.5 patients had arrhythmias of which ventricular estrasystoles were most common. 20% of the patients are admitted through the emergency room. Compared to the former study, the median time from the onset of symptoms to admission decreased from 13 hours to 4 hours and 20 minutes. Thirty patients were successfully re- suscitated. Of those 14 patients were dis- charged alive. HEIMILDIR 1. Albrink, M. J. Triglycerides, Lipoproteins and Coronary Artery Disease. Archives of Internal Medicine, 109, 145, 1962. 2. Astvad, K., Fabricius-Bjerre, N., Kjærulf, J. Mortality from Acute Myocardial In- farction Before and After Establishment of a Coronary Care Unit. British Medical Journal, 1, 567, 1974. 3. Beck, C. R., Pritchard, W. H. and Feil, H. Ventricular Fibrillation of Long Dura- tion Abolished by Electric Shock. J.A.M.A., 135, 985, 1947. 4. Bellet, S. Clinical Diseases of the Heart Beat. 3rd Edition. Lea & Febiger, 1971. 5. Bloomfield, D. K., Slivka, J., Vossler, S. and Edelstein, J. Survival in Acute Myo- cardial Infarction Before and After the Establishment of a Coronary Care Unit. Chest, 57, 224, 1970. 6. Brown, K. W. G., McMillan, R. L., Forbath, H., Melgrano, F. and Scott, J. W. Coronary Unit and Intensive Care Centre for Acute Myocardial Infarction. Lancet II, 49, 1963. 7. Chapman, B. L. Hospital Mortality of Myocardial Infarction Before and After Coronary Care. Medical Journal of Aus- tralia, 1, 833, 1970. 8. Christiansen, I., Iversen, K. and Skouby, A. P. Benefits Obtained by the Introduc- tion of a Coronary Care Unit. A Compara- tive Study. Acta Med. Scand., 189, 285, 1971. 9. Guðmundsson, S., Karðarson, Þ. Flutning- ur sjúkiinga með bráða kransæðastífiu á Borgarspitedann 1972—1975. Læknablaðið I. II, 1979. 10. Heigason, Þ. Nokkur atriði um sykursýki. Læknabiaðið 5, 165, 1972. 11. Helmers, C. Short and Long-Term Pro- gnostic Indices in Acute Myocardied In- farction. A Study of 606 Patients Initialiy Treated in a Coronary Care Unit. Acta Med. Scand. suppl. 555, 1973. 12. Henning, R. and Lundman, T. Swedish Co- Operative CCU Study. A Study of 2008 Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction from 12 Swedish Hospitals with Coronary Care Units. Acta Med. Scand. suppl. 586, 1976. 13. Hill, J. D., Hampton, J. R., Mitcheil, J. R. A. A Randomised Trial of Home versus Hospital Management of Patients with Suspected Myocardial Infarction. Lancet I, 837, 1978. 14. Hóprannsókn Hjartaverndar: 1967-1968. Beta lipoprotein, total kóiesteról og þri- glýseríðar í venublóði islenskra karla á aldrinum 34-61 árs, 1973. 15. Hunter, A. L. and Insall, J. N. Myocardial Infarction in Young Adults. British Medi- cal Journal, 1, 1282, 1959. 16. Killip, T. and Kimball, J. T. Treatment of Myocardial Infarction in a Coronary Care Unit. A Two-Year Experience with 250 Patients. American Journal of Cardiology, 20, 457, 1967. 17. Kouwenhoven, V. B., Jude, J. R. and Knickerbocker, G. G. Closed Chest Cardiac Massage. J.A.M.A. 173, 1064, 1960. 18. Lawrie, D. M., Greenwood, W., Goddard, M., Harvey, A. C., Donald, K. W., Julian, D. G. and Oliver, M. F. A Coronary Care Unit in the Routine Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction. Lancet II, 109, 1967. 19. Lindholm, J., Fabricius-Bjerre, N., Astvad, K. and Kjærulff, J. Erfaringer fra et Coronar Afsnit. Ugeskrift for Læger, 136, 192, 1974. 20. Lundman, T., Mogensen, L„ Nordenstam, H. and Orinius, E. Erfarenheter frán en Hjártinfarktavdelning. Lákartidn. 66, 4417, 1969. 21. McNeilly, R. H. and Pemberton, J. Dura- tion of Heart Attack in 998 Fatal Cases of Coronary Artery Disease and its Relation to Possible Cardiac Resuscitation. British Medical Journal, III, 139, 1968. 22. Nielsen, B. L. Coronar Afsnit af Dödelig- heden ved Akut Myocardie Infarkt. Uge- skrift for Læger, 132, 90, 1970. 23. Norris, R. M„ Brandt, P. T. and Lee, A. J. Mortality in Coronary Care Unit Analysed by a New Coronary Prognostic Index. Lancet, I, 278, 1969B. 24. O’Rourke, M. F„ Walsh, B„ Fletcher, M. and Crowley, A. Impact of the New



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