

Læknablaðið - 01.10.1979, Page 28

Læknablaðið - 01.10.1979, Page 28
238 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ skerpu meðal glákusjúklinga og mun algengara meðal glákusjúklinga en ekki-glákusjúklinga. Gerðir hafa verið veituskurðir á 30% allra glákuaugna og er skurðaðgerð algengari meðal karla. Skipuleg leit að háþrýstingi í augum er gerð í Rannsóknarstöð Hjartaverndar. Hafa Þaðan verið sendir um 16% allra glákusjúk- linga, sem eru í meðferð á göngudeildinni á höfuðborgarsvæðinu og stór hluti þeirra, sem grunaðir eru um gláku (glaucoma suspect). Sagt er frá bráðaglákutilfellum í stöðinni, sem eru aðeins 1% af glaucoma primarium. Lagt er til að augnþrýstingur sé mældur á þeim stöðum, þar sem almenn hóprannsókn fer fram í leit að leyndri gláku og minnt á nauðsynina á því að lögskipuð verði blindra og glákuskráning. SUMMARY Glaucoma at tlie Outpatient Department, St.Joseph’s Hospital, Reykjavík Iceland This article is a review of the cases of glaucoma treated at the Glaucoma Clinie, St.Joseph’s Hospital, Reykjavík, Iceland, over a period of 5 years and 3 months. At the end of 1978, 624 cases with open angle glaucoma, 7 closed angle glaucoma patients and 124 glaucoma suspects underwent an ophthalmic evaluation. The majority of the open angle glaucoma patients are elderly, 76% are 67 years and older. There are relatively fewer individuals in the younger age groups in this study than in the former studies in this country, which date back to the turn of the century. The extent to which maies outnumer females in the former studies is very striking. In the present study the sex distribution is more even, 52% of the patients are males and 48% are females. Environmental factors that might have changed the course of the disease are discussed. It is estimated that about 50% of open angle glaucoma patients in Reykjavík and suburbs are under treatment at the glaucoma clinic, that is, if the overall prevalence rate is similar to that found in the Framingham Eye study in USA. A recent population study of potential- ly blinding diseases indicated that the preva- lence rate of glaucoma in Iceland and USA are almost identical. One third of the glaucoma patients had only „blind spot“ enlargement and depression of central isopters (tested on Goldmann’s peri- meter), as their only visual field abnormalities. This is the same percentage as found in the Framingham study. The visual field defects are more advanced among males, esp. in the older age groups. About 15% of the total eyes of males had reached the terminal stage, com- pared to 7.6% among females. 83% of the open angle glaucoma cases had visual acuity 6/6— 6Í/15 of the better eye. Other eye diseases among the glaucoma patients are cataracts or aphakia (37.5% males, 40.9% females) and senile macular degenera- tion (3.7% males and 7.3% females). Only 3 of the glaucoma cases had diabetes. Filtrating operations and other operations to lower intraocular pressure have been done on 30% of all glaucoma eyes (males 37.6%, females 21.6%). Follow up cases of glaucoma suspeets are discussed. HEIMILDIR 1. Björnsson, G.: The Primary Glaucoma in Iceland Acta Ophthalmologica. Suppl. 91, 1967. 2. Björnsson, G.: Af hagleik læknishanda. Læknablaðið, Fylgirit 2, 1978. 3. Björnsson, G.: Augnhagur Borgfirðinga. Læknaneminn 4. tbl. 31. árg. 1978. 4. David, R., Livingstone, D.G. and Lantz, M. H.: British Journal of Ophthalmology 1977, 61, 668. 5. Duke-Elder, W.S.: System of Ophthalmo- logy Vol. XI. Kimpton, London 1969. 6. Goldmann, H.: American Journal of Opht- halmology 1959, 1,8, no. 1. pt. 2, 213. 7. Goldmann, H.: Some basic problems of simple glaucoma. American Journal of Ophthalmology 48 (pt. 2): 213, 1959. 8. Hollows, F.C. and Gramham, P.A.: British Journal of Ophthalmology 1966, 50, 570. 9. Kini, M.M., Leibowitz, H.M., Colton, T., Nickerson, R.J., Ganley, J., Drawber, T.R.: Prevalence of senile cataract, diabetic reti- nopathy, senile macular degeneration and open angle glaucoma in the Framingham Eye Study. Am. J. of Ophth. Vol. 85, No 1, 1978. 10. Leydhecker, W.: Documenta Ophthalmo- logica 1959, 13, 357. 11. Leydhecker, W.: Documenta Ophthalmo- logica 1959, 13, 359. 12. Norskov, K.: Acta Opthalmologica 1970, 1,8, 401. 13. Paterson, G.L.: Transactions of the Opht- halmological Societies of the United King- dom, 1961, 81, 561. 14. Perkins, E.S.: British Journal of Ophthal- mology 1973, 57, 179. 15. Schwartz, B.: Duane Clinical Ophthalmo- logy Vol. 3 52, Harper and Row 1976. 16. Skúlason, H.: Um glákublindu, Akureyri 1933. 17. Smith, R.J.H.: Clinical Glaucoma, Cassel, London 1965. 18. Sveinsson, K.: Glákusjúkdómurinn og ætt- gengi. Læknablaðið 40:1:134 1956. 19. Strömberg. U.: Acta Ophthalmologica 1962, Suppl. 69. 20. Tölfræðihandbókin 1974. Gefin út af Hag- stofu Islands.



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