

Læknablaðið - 01.10.1979, Qupperneq 57

Læknablaðið - 01.10.1979, Qupperneq 57
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 259 in a public school system. Am. J. Dis. Child. 123: 193—196, 1972. 71. Schiff G.M., Rauh J.L., Linnemann C.C., Shea L., Rotte T.C., Trimble S.: Rubella vaccines in public school system. A 4% year follow-up. Am. J. Dis. Child. 128: 180 —183, 1974. 72. Spruance S.L., Smith C.B.: Joint compli- cations associated with derivates of HPV- 77 rubella virus vaccine. Am. J. Dis. Child. 122: 105—111, 1971. 73. Spruance S.L., Klock L.E., Bailey A., Vard J.R., Smith C.B.: Recurrent joint symptoms in children vaccinated with HPV-77 DK12 rubella vaccine. J. Pediatrics. 80: 413—417, 1972. 74. Spruance S.L., Metcalf R., Smith C.B., Griffiths M.M., Ward R.J.: Chronic art- hropathy associated with rubella vaccina- tion. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 20: 741— 747, 1977. 75. Stannegard Ö., Holm S.E., Hermodsson S., Norrby R., Lycke E.: Case of apparent reinfection with rubella. Lancet Jan. 31. 240—241, 1970 (Let). 76. Thompson G.R., Ferreya A., Brackett R.G.: Acute arthritis complicating rubella vacc- ination. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 14: 19 —26, 1971. 77. Thompson G.R., Weiss J.J., Shillis J.L., Brackett R.G.: Intermittent atrhritis foll- owing rubella vaccination. Am. J. Dis. Child. 125: 526—530, 1973. 78. Tómasson H.O., ögmundsdóttir H.M.: Ru- bella in Iceland. Acta Path. microbiol. Scand. 83: 275—284, 1975. 79. Vaheri A., Vesikari T., Oker-Blom N., Seppala M., Parkman P.D., Veronelli J., Robbins F.C.: Isolation of attenunted ru- bella-vaccine virus from human products of conseption and uterine cervix. New Engl. J. Med. 286: 1071—1074, 1972. 80. Wallace R.B., Isacson P.: Comparative tri- al of HPV-77 DE5 and RA 27/3 live-att- enuated rubella vaccines. Am. J. Dis. Child. 124: 536—538, 1972. 81. Weibel R.E., Stokes J., Buynak E.B., Hille- man M.R., Live rubella vaccines in adults and children. Am. J. Dis. Child. 118: 226 —229, 1969. 82. Weibel R.E., Stokes J., Buynak E.B., Hille- man M.R.: Influence of age on clinical res- ponse to HPV-77 duck rubella vaccine. Jama. 222: 805—807, 1972. 83. Weinstein L., Chang T.W.: Rubella imm- unization. New Engl. J. Med. 288: 100— 101, 1973. 84. Wilkins J., Leedom J.M., Salvatore M.A., Portnoy B.: Clinical rubella with arthritis from reinfection. Ann. internal Med. 77: 930—932, 1972. 85. Wyll S.A., Herrmann K.L., Abrutyn E„ Murphy G.D., Witte J.J.: Rubella booster immunization. Serologic response to a se- cond dose of vaccine. Jama 216, 1451— 1453, 1971. 86. Wyll S.A., Herrmann K.L.: Inadvertent ru- bella vaccination of pregnant women. Fetal risk in 215 cases. Jama 225: 1472—1476, ’73. 87. Zealley H.: Rubella screening and immuni- zation of school-girls: a long-term evalua- tion. Brit. J. Prew. soc. Med. 28: 54—59, 1974. LEIÐRÉTTIN GAR í grein Sigurðar Guðmundssonar o. fl., 3. tbl. 65. árg., slæddust tvær villur. Á bls. 128 segir að meðaltal kólesteróls hafi verið 225 mg./lOO ml. í hóprannsókn Hjartaverndar. Hið rétta er 255 mg./lOO ml. Á mynd 2 bls. 125 hafa víxlast ferlar karla og kvenna úr rannsókn Hjartavernd- ar. Myndina af líkani Borgarspítalans á for- síðu 3. tbl. tók Dís Ragnheiður Atladóttir,
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