

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1992, Síða 10

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1992, Síða 10
168 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ Guðrún Þ. Hjaltadóttir, Ásgeir Kristjánsson, Eyjólfur Harðarson og Margrét Magnúsdóttir fá einnig þakkir höfunda fyrir veitta aðstoð. SUMMARY Primary prevention of coronary ris'k factors among factory workers - a cohort study of two years dietary intervention. High cholesterol is considered to be a major risk factor for coronary heart diseases (CHD). Although new drugs may be effective in lowering serum cholesterol, diet with low fat content and rich in fibres is still the comerstone for therapy of hyperlipidemia. Dietary intervention studies have mostly been carried out by using dietary advise, group sessions and informative brochures for those persons who are considered at »high risk«. However it seems difficult for most people to change their life style and the result of these efforts has often been disappointing. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of workplace oriented dietary intervention on CHD risk factors especially cholesterol, in ferroalloy factory workers in Grundartangi, in westem Iceland. The two hundred workers have at least one hot meal per day while working, provided by the factory kitchen.The GP’s at Akranes Health Center are responsible for the health care of the workers. A nutritionist held three meetings with the study subjects including one where spouses were invited. In cooperation with the workers and the cook, the nutritionist changed the ingredients of the kitchen menu by lowering the total amount of calories, minimizing fat, especially saturated. 155 workers (thereof 20 women) were then followed- up for two years with regard to serum lipids, smoking, weight, dietary habits and exercise. The study subjects were divided into four groups according to initial cholesterol value. The two groups with highest levels, >7.0 mmol/1 (35% of all) got more interventive attention than the others. The mean serum cholesterol levels in the whole group decreased from 6.6 mmol/1 to 6.1 or 7.6% (p<0.001) after two years. Favourable changes also occured in high density lipoprotein (HDL) which increased significantly and the ratio ol' LDL/HDL and cholesterol/HDL decreased significantly during the follow-up period. No statistical changes occurred in body mass index (BMI), exercise or smoking habits. It is concluded that this relatively simple workplace oriented dietary intervention for two years was found to significantly alter blood lipids in a favourable manner and if continued should decrease the future risk of CHD amongst the employees. HEIMILDIR 1. The Pooling Project Research Group. Relationship of blood pressure, serum cholesterol, smoking habit, relative weight and ECG abnormalities to incidence of major coronary events; final report of Pooling Project. 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