Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.09.1993, Qupperneq 35

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.09.1993, Qupperneq 35
LÆKNAB LAÐIÐ/FYLGIRIT 24 33 Does a Long-term Primary Rat Hepatocyte Cult- ure Suffer from a Carnitine Depletion. ‘b.G. B.jÖrnsson, G.F. Gibbons. Metabolic Re- search Laboratory, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, U.K. Hepatocytes from male Wistar rats were isolated by a two-steps collagenase perfusion technique of Seglen [1], and cultured for 24 h to 72 h in a Waymouth’s (MB 752/1) medium supplemented with amino acids, pyruvate, lact- ate, dexamethasone and oleate. In experi- ments that lasted more than 24 h, culture medium was changed every 24 h. At the end of the final 24 h culture period, medium and cells were collected, the VLDL fraction isol- ated by centrifugation, and triacylglycerol and cholesterol measured; cAMP was measured by RIA; ketone bodies (acetoacetate, 5-hydr- oxybutyrate) were assayed in the infranatant. Over the 3-days culture period there was little or no change in the rate of ketogenes- is, however, a rather steep fall in ketogen- esis was observed in the presence of glucagon (10"7 M). Addition of carnitine (final conc. 0.5 mM) on the final day of culture enhanced ketogenesis, but suppressed both cellular triacylglycerol conc. and VLDL output (total mass and [3H]-oleate incorporation). On the first day of culture addition of carnitine had no effect on the secretion of VLDL tri- acylglycerol. Although on day 3 the cells re- tained their ability to increase cAMP in re- sponse to glucagon, their ketogenic response to this hormone was reduced compared to that on day 1 of culture. This decreased response was also observed in the presence of carnitine and suggests that cAMP was less able to stim- ulate fatty acid oxidation after 3 days in culture. Nevertheless, VLDL secretion remained responsive to the inhibitory effect of for- skolin under these circumstances which sug- gests an uncoupling of the cAMP-mediated re- gulation of hepatic lipid oxidation and lipid secretion.- [1] Seglen, P.O. Methods Cell Biol. 13:29 - 83, 1976. V 5 Blóörauði, blóöfitur og hormón og tengsl þeirra hjá körlum, 70 til 85 ára. Matthías Kjeld, Gu&mundur Sigþórs- son, Nikulós Sigfússon. Rannsóknastofa Landspítalans, Rannsókna- stofan í Domus Medica, Hjartavernd. Eftir miójan aldur laekkar blóörauöi (Hb) í körlum en hækkar lítillega eöa stendur í staö í konum. Líkur eru til aö breytingar þessar séu tengdar kynhormónum en karlhormón örva haemopoiesis meöan kvenhormón viröast hemja hana. Styrkur testosteróns í sermi lækkar meö aldri, bæöi sá hlutinn sem er próteinbundinn og hinn sem er frír [1]. Þá hefur fundist jákvæö fylgni milli sermis HDL- kólesteróls og sermis testósteróns styrks hjá 30 - 45 ára körlum [2]. Minna er vitaö um tengsl þessara efna í eldri körlum. Viö höfum því mælt Hb, frítt testósterón (FT), luteinizing hormón (LH), kólesteról og HDL-kólesteról í blóöi og sermi 400 - 500 heilbrigöra fastandi karla á aldrinum 70 til 85 ára. Gagnstætt því sem fundist hefur í aldursdreiföari úrtökum lækkaöi kólesteról meö aldri í þessum hópi (p<0.01). Einnig lækkuöu Hb (p<0.02) og FT (0.001) en LH hækkaöi (p~0.05) meö aldri. FT haföi jákvæöa (p<0.02) og LH neikvæða (p<0.001) fylgni viö Hb en hvorki viö kólesteról né HDL- kólesterólstyrk. Niöur-stööur benda til aö annaö samband sé á milli kynhormóna og fituþátta í öldruöu fólki en í þvi yngra og jafnframt aö kynhormón kunni aö tengjast lækkun Hb styrks í blóöi fólks sem gerir vart viö sig eftir miöjan aldur. Frekari könnun á þessum þáttum meö fyllri upplýsingum um lífsvenjur þessa fólks og líkamsbyggingu, t.d. reykingar og Quetelet index, er fyrirhuguö. Heimildir: 1) Simon D et al. Am J. Epidem 1992. 2) Freedman DS. Arterioscler Thromb 1991; 11: 307-14.


Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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