Búskapur hins opinbera 1980-1984 - 01.02.1986, Page 84

Búskapur hins opinbera 1980-1984 - 01.02.1986, Page 84
82 Viöauki 1 frh. Table 5.1 Tdble 5.2 Tdble 5.3 Frdmleiðslustyrkir hins opinberd k verðldgi hvers drs og sem hlutfdll df tekjum. Tekjutilfærslur ríkisins d verðldgi hvers <írs og sem hlutfdll df tekjum. Sundurliðun d tekjutiIfærslum dlmdnndtrygginga- kerfisins d verðldgi hvers érs og sem hlutfdlL df tekjutilfærslum. Generdl government subsidies at current prices dnd ds d percentage of totdl current receipts. Centrdl government current trdnsfers dt current prices dnd ds d percentage of totdl current receipts. Detdiled dccount of socidl security system's current trdnsfers dt ajrrent prices dnd ds d percentdge of totdl current trdnsfers. Tdble 6.1 Tdble 6.2 Verg fjirmundmyndun hins opinberd k verðldgi hvers drs og innbyrðis hlutfdll þeirrd. Fjdrmdgnstilfærslur ríkisins k verðldgi hvers drs og í hlutfdlli df tekjum. Generdl government gross cdpitdl form-^ dtion dt current prlces dnd its pro- portiondl distributlon. Centrdl government cdpitdl trdnsfers dt current prlces dnd as d percentdge of totdl current receipts. Tdble 7.1-7.5 Heilddrútgjöld hins opinberd flokkuð eftir við- fdngsefni og tegund. Tdble Heilddrútgjöld ríkisins flokkuð eftir viðfdngs- efni og tegund Tdble 7.11-7.15 Heilddrútgjöld sveitarféldgdnnd fiokkuð eftir viðfdngsefni og tegund. Generdl government outldys by function dnd type. Centrdl government outldys by functlon dnd type. Locdl government outldys by functlon dnd type. Tdble 8.1 Tdble 8.2 Tdble 8.3 Tdble 8.4 Tdble 8.5 Tdble 8.6 Tdble 8.7 Tekjur og útgjöld hins opinberd í OECD-ríkjunum dð meðdltdli d drunum 1980-1983, sem hlutfdll df vergri ldndsfrdmleiðslu. Heilddrútgjöld hins opinberd í OECD-ríkjunum og tegunddskiptlng útgjdlddnnd, sem hlutfdll df tekjum þeirrd. Tekjur hins opinberd d Norðurlöndum í fjárhæðum viðkomdndi ldnds ésdmt útgjöldum þess sem hlut- fdll df tekjum. Viðfdngsefndsundurliðun sdmneyslunndr d Norður- löndum. Hlutfdllsleg skiptlng skdttteknd k Norðurlöndum eftir tegundum skdttd. Tekjur og skdttdr hins opinberd í OECD ríkjunum sem hlutfdli df vergri ldndsfrdmleiðslu og heilddrsköttum. Vinnudfl í OECD-ríkjunum sem hlutfdll df fólks- fjöldd og hlutdelld hins opinberd í vinnudfls- notkun. Generdl government dverdge receipts dnd outldys durlng the yedrs 1980-1983 ds d percentdge of GDP. Ge.nerdl government outldys in OECD countries and their types as d percen- tage of their totdl current receipts. Gcnerdl government totdl current receipts in Nordlc cojjntries in natio- ndl ajrrency units as well ds their out- ldys ds d percentdge of their receipts. Generdl government. findl consumptlon by function in Nordlc countries. Percentdge breakdown of tdx revenue by type in Nordic countries. Generdl government totdl current receipts and taxes in 0EC0 countries ds a percentage of QP and total taxes. Employment in OECD countries as a percentage of populatlon, and the government employment thereof.


Búskapur hins opinbera 1980-1984

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