Búskapur hins opinbera 1980-1984 - 01.02.1986, Page 85

Búskapur hins opinbera 1980-1984 - 01.02.1986, Page 85
83 Viðduki Z English translation of the main concepts used. A Aðflutningsgjöld, almenn Aðrir Aðstöðugjald Aflatryggingasjóður Afskriftir Alls uppruni fjármagns Aimannatryggingakerfið Almannatryggingar og velferðarmál Annað Arður Atvinnuleysisbstur B Barnalífeyrir Beinir skattar Bifreiðaskattur Breyting sjóðs, lánareikn. og annarra verðbréfa Bóskapur hins opinbera C Dánar- og örorkubætur Dagpeningar, kaup og aflahlutir E Eftirlaun aldraðra í stéttarfélögum Eignaskattur Ekkjubætur og lífeyrir Ellilífeyrir Endurkræfur lífeyrir F Fasteignagjöld Fjármagnsstreymi Import duties Other Municipal business operating expense tax. Fisheries Catch Egualization Fund Consumption of fixed capital Total finance of gross acumulation Social security system Social security and welfare Other Dividends Unemployment insurance benefits General child's allowances Direct taxes Motor Vehicle Taxes Changes in cash, loan accounts, payable and receivable and other bonds (Net lending) General government Death and Disability transfers Daily cash benefits, salaries and fishermen's shares. Unions' old-age supplementary pensions Property taxes Widow's pensions Old-age pensions Reclaimed pensions Real estate tax Capital Account


Búskapur hins opinbera 1980-1984

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