Búskapur hins opinbera 1980-1984 - 01.02.1986, Síða 88

Búskapur hins opinbera 1980-1984 - 01.02.1986, Síða 88
86 Sala Samgöngumál Samneysla Samtals Sektir Sérstakur tekjuskattur Sérst. vörugjald af innfl. og innlendri framleiðslu Sjávarútvegsmál Sjémannalífeyrir Sjúkratryggingar Sjúkratryggingargjald Skattar Skattar ríkissjóðs Skattar sveitarfélaga Slysatr.-, lífeyristr-. og atvinnul.tr.sjóðsgjald Slysatryggingar Sóknar- og kirkjugarðsgjald Sparnaður Stiirpilgjald Styrkir Sveitarfélög Sölugjald T Tekjur (alls) Tekjur af sölu erlends gjaldeyris Tekjuskattur Til annarra Til annarra innlendra aðila Til annarra opinberra aðila Til heimila Til samtaka Til útlanda Tilfærslur U Útflutningsbætur Uppbætur á lífeyrir Uppruni Útgjöld (alls) Útgjöld alls og sparnaður Útgjöld hins opinbera sem hlutfall af vergri landsframleiðslu Sales Transportation affairs Government final consumption expenditures Total Fines Special income tax Special levy on imported and domestic produced goods Fishing and fish processing affairs Seamen's pensions Health insurence Health insurence tax Taxes Central government tax revenue Local government tax revenue Social security contributions Total receipts Revenue on foreign exchange services Income taxes To other To other resident sectors To other government subsectors To households To private non-profit institutions To the rest of the world Transfers Export subsldies Supplymentary pension and disabillty benefits Finance of gross accumulation Total current disbursements Total current disbursements and saving General government outlays as a percentage of GDP Accident insurence benefits Allowances to religious and funeral affairs Saving Ownership registration tax Subsidles Local government Sales tax
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Búskapur hins opinbera 1980-1984

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