

Læknablaðið - 15.02.2009, Blaðsíða 30

Læknablaðið - 15.02.2009, Blaðsíða 30
ENGLISH SUMMARY FRÆÐIGREINAR SJÚKRATILFELLI Heimildir 1. Bramwell B. On "crossed" aphasia. Lancet 1899:1473-9. 2. Coppens P, Lebrun Y, Basso A. Aphasia in Atypical Populations. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1998. 3. Coppens P, Hungerford S, Yamagutchi S, Yamadori A. Crossed Aphasia: An analysis of the symptoms, their frequency, and a comparison with left-hemisphere aphasia symptomalogy. Brain Lang 2002; 83: 425-63. 4. Goodglass H. Understanding Aphasia. Academic Press. 1993. 5. Coppens P, Hungerford S. Crossed Aphasia: Two new cases. Aphasiology 2001; 9: 827-54. 6. Alexander MP, Annett M. Crossed aphasia and related anomalies of cerebral organization: case reports and a genetic hypothesis. Brain Lang 1996; 55: 213-39. 7. Alexander MP, Fischette MR, Fischer RS. Crossed aphasia can be mirror image or anomalous. Brain 1989; 112: 953-73. 8. Paparounas K, Eftaxias D, Akritidis N. Dissociated crossed aphasia: A challenging language representation disorder. Neurology 2002; 59: 441-2. 9. Sheehy LM, Haines ME. Crossed Wemicke's aphasia: A case report. Brain Lang 2004; 4: 203-6. 10. Carr MS, Jacobson T, Boller F. Crossed aphasia: Analysis of four cases. Brain Lang 1981; 14:190-202. 11. Mohr JP, Weiss GH, Caveness WF, et al. Language and motor disorders after penetrating head injury in Viet Nam. Neurology 1980; 30:1273-9. 12. Castro-Caldas A, Confraria A. Age and type of crossed aphasia in dextrals due to stroke. Brain Lang 1984; 23: 126- 33. 13. Obler L, Martin A. Language in the elderly aphasic and in the dementing patient. In M.T. Sarno (Ed.) Acquired aphasia. Academic Press, New York 1981: 385-98. 14. Goodglass H, Kaplan E, Barresi B. 2001. BDAE/Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination-3. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 15. Kaplan E, Goodglass H, Weintraub S. 2001. BNT/Boston Naming Test. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 16. MagnúsdóttirS. Setningafræðipróf: Skilningur á málfræðilega flóknum setningum. 2005. Landspítali - háskólasjúkrahús. 17. LaPointe LL, Homer J. 2002. RCBA/Reading Comprehension Battery for Aphasia. Þýtt og staðfært af Elísabetu Amardóttur og Þóru Másdóttur. 18. Oldfield RC. The assessment and analysis of handedness: The Edinburgh Inventory. Neuropsychologia 1971; 9: 97-113. 19. Dragovic M. Towards an improved measure of the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory: A one-factor congeneric measurement model using confirmatory factor analysis. Laterality 2004; 9: 411-9. 20. Magnúsdóttir S. On grammatical knowledge in agrammatism. Evidence from Icelandic. Doktorsritgerð við Boston University. 2000. 21. Magnúsdóttir S. Málstol, málfræðistol og setningafræði. Kafli í bókinni: íslensk tunga III: Setningar. Ritstjóri: Höskuldur Þráinsson. Almenna bókafélagið, Reykjavík 2005. 22. Rögnvaldsson E. íslensk hljóðkerfisfræði. Málvísindastofnun Háskóla íslands, Reykjavík 1993. 23. Ámason K. Hljóð. íslensk tunga I. Almenna bókafélagið, Reykjavík 2005. 24. Þráinsson H. On the phonology of Icelandic aspiration. Nord J Linguistics 1978; 1: 3-54. 25. Pind J. Skynjun hljóðlengdar og aðblásturs í íslensku. íslenskt mál 1993; 15: 35-76. 26. Þráinsson H. Handbók um málfræði. Námsgagnastofnun, Reykjavík 1995. Case report - Crossed Aphasia A case study of crossed aphasia is presented. A 60-year- old right-handed individual suffered stroke in the right hemisphere leaving him with Broca’s aphasia and severe verbal apraxia. A CT scan 3 days after hospitalization showed a new frontotemporal infarct in the right hemisphere, insula and frontal portion of the superior and middle temporal gyrus. MRI 2 weeks later showed more diverse changes involving the parietal lobe. In addition to the Broca’s aphasia and verbal apraxia AA had prosodic difficulties involving intonation, stress and conversational vocal variations. Interesting phonological problems were also present, such as total loss of so-called preaspiration, a characteristic of the lcelandic phonological system. In 70% of crossed aphasia cases the symptoms are similar to those of aphasia in the left hemisphere but AA clearly does not fall into that group. Magnusdottir SM, Sighvatsdottir E. Case report - Crossed Aphasia. Icel Med J 2009; 95:121 -126. Key words: stroke, crossed aphasia, preaspiration. Correspondence: Sigridur Magnusdottir, siggatal@lsh.is Barst: 27. apríl 2008, - samþykkt til birtingar: 1. desember 2008. 126 LÆKNAblaðið 2009/95
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