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Physician's Responsibilities in Nursing Homes
Medical services for nursing homes have been in constitutes a good medical service in nursing homes. The CC
discussion in lceland among primary care physicians, authors base their views on the nursing home literature, <
geriatricians and the general public the last few years. their experience and legal surroundings in lceland. They ÍE
Physician responsibility for the care of patients in nursing recommend the use of RAI instrument as base for health 5
homes is poorly defined, few quality measures are promotion, surveillance of health and function. The article 3
being used and no regular public quality control in use. describes what physicians who take care of patients in w
ln the article the authors describe their view on what nursing homes need to master. I
Hansdottir H, Jonsson JE.
Physician's Responsibilities in Nursing Homes. Icel Med J 2009; 95:187-91 (3
Key words: Nursing home, aged, medical care, RAI instrument. Z
Correspondence: Helga Hansdottir, helgah@landspitali.is
Barst: 4. júní 2008, - samþykkt til birtingar: 7. janúar 2009.
LÆKNAblaðið 2009/95 191