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Can health claims made on food be scientifically substantiated?
Review on satiety and weight management
Obesity is becoming an increasing health problem and
results when energy intake exceeds energy expenditure.
Food has a crucial role in weight management. The new
EU legislation on nutrition and health claims permits
the use of weight regulation and satiety related health
claims on foods, if they are based on generally accepted
scientific evidence. In this review the current knowledge
on food properties, that have been proposed to affect
satiety and/or energy expenditure and thus might be useful
in weight control are considered, as part of the project
“Substantiation of weight regulation and satiety related
health claims on foods” funded by the Nordic Innovation
Centre. At this point the scientific evidence of the short
term effects of dietary fibers and proteins in relation to
satiety seems to be convincing. However, it might be
challenging to make product specific satiety and weight
management claims as the dose response is not always
known. On the other hand two step health claims might be
applied, for example rich in dietary fibre - dietary fibre can
increase satiety or rich in protein - protein can increase
Gunnarsdóttir I, Due A, Karhunen L, Lyly M. Can health claims made on food be scientifically substantiated? Review on satiety
and weight management.
Icel Med J 2009; 95:195-200
Key words: satiety, satiation, obesity, weight management, food.
Correspondence: Ingibjorg Gunnarsdottir, ingigun@landspitali.is
Barst: 11. nóvember 2008, - samþykkt til birtingar: 29. janúar 2009.
200 LÆKNAblaðið 2009/95