Iðnaðarmál - 01.04.1967, Qupperneq 3

Iðnaðarmál - 01.04.1967, Qupperneq 3
'Qnglislt suntmary V O L. 14 . N O. 3 — 4 . 1967 IÐNAÐARMÁLASTOFNUN ÍSLANDS (IMSÍ) The Industrial Productivity Institute Skipholt 37 . Reykjavik . Iceland Subscription: IceL kr. 200/year Foreman Training Courses 1966—'67 pp. 38. 62 and 63 A report by the chief instructor of the Foreman Training Cburses carried out under the auspices of the IMSI. There were 49 participants in the gen- eral training courses and 19 particip- ants in a special training course for foremen in the employment of muni- cipalities. The courses were held dur- ing the period October 1966—May 1967. Organizational Structure in Limelight p. 39 Leader by Thórir Einarsson Last year some discussions have come up regarding the necessity to strengthen the competitive position of Icelandic industries by reducing the number of small enterprises, which have been characteristic for Iceland, and aim at larger units by coopera- tion or fusion. This subject was on the agenda at a three days' conference recently, ar- ranged by the Icelandic Management Association at Hotel Bifröst in Borgar- fjördur. Following the lectures and discus- sions, the conference summed up general guide lines as to, how struc- tural rationalization of industries could be promoted by the different groups concemed i.e. the governmnt, financial institutions, the enterprises and their organizations and the labour unions. Development of Productivity in Iceland pp. 40—47 By lónas Kristjónsson B.A. Some excerpts from an essay "In- dustrial Development in Iceland", which Mr. Kristjónsson presented at his B.A. examination in History of Trades at the University of Iceland 1966. The main chapter of the essay "Development of Productivity in the Industry 1950—'60" is presented un- altered, followed by some condensed items of interest from the other chap- ters. Icelandic Management Association -— Annual Report for 1966—'67 pp.48—50 The Icelandic Management As- sociation held seven lectural meetings during the year on such topics as operations research, optimization in the herring fisheries and work study. It also arranged a course on sensi- tivity training and five courses on CPM planning. Mr. Arni Th. Amason, who had been the association's executive di- rector since its foundation in 1961, left this post in December 1966 as he had been appointed to a post in the Ministry for Industry. His successor is Mr. Konrad Adolphsson, cand. oceon.



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