Bókasafnið - 01.05.2012, Blaðsíða 21

Bókasafnið - 01.05.2012, Blaðsíða 21
21 bókasafnið 36. árg. 2012 þannig að stéttin geti verið skrefi á undan framþróun sam- félagsins og séð fyrir þær breytingar og tileinkað sér þær, áður en þær verða úreltar. Við viljum ekki breyta okkur breytinganna vegna, heldur vegna nauðsynlegrar starfsþróunar og til þess að ná utan um, skilja og nýta þær okkur til framdráttar. Niðurstöður rannsókna sýna að breytingar á námsskrám eiga að haldast í hendur við breytingar í samfélaginu á sviði tækni og upplýsinga. Nemendur með menntun á sviði upplýsingafræða auka möguleika sína á atvinnu hjá ólíkum atvinnurekendum. Starfstitillinn bókasafnsfræðingur gerir menntuninni og þar með hæfninni ekki nægilega góð skil. Upplýsingafræðingar starfa ekki bara á bókasöfnum. Þróunin í faginu hjá háskólum víða um heim hefur verið að sameina deildir í upplýsingavísindum við aðrar deildir eins og blaðamennsku og tölvunarfræði. Sú þróun hefur verið faginu til framdráttar (Abdullahi og L. Kajberg, 2004; Dugan, 2010; Gerolimos, 2009; Kajberg, 2003; Ross og Sennyey, 2008; Sanders, 2008; Steierwald, 2006; Willard, Wilson, og Cole, 2003). Janúar 2012 Ímyndarhópur Upplýsingar og SBU: Margrét Sigurgeirsdóttir Hrafn Andrés Harðarson Sara Stef. Hildardóttir Sigrún Guðnadóttir Erna Björg Smáradóttir Óskar Þór Þráinsson Kristín Ósk Hlynsdóttir Andrea Ævarsdóttir Abstract The image of Library- and Information Scientists This article is based on the work of a task-group set up by Upplýsing (Association of Library- and Information Science) and SBU (Union of Professional Library- and Information Scientists) to find ways to improve the image of the profession. The group proposes the profession to use only the title of information scientist instead of library - and information scientist. In many countries, universities have changed the names of their departments and field of studies to Information science or studies. The task group stresses the importance of improving the image of the profession by constructing a short but exact description of it, acceptable by everyone. Thus: An information scientist organises information (digital and physical) and facilitates access to popular and reliable knowledge by the general public, businesspeople, students and the scientific community. Heimildir Abdullahi, I. og Kajberg, L. (2004). A study of international issues in library and information science education: survey of LIS schools in Europe, the USA and Canada. New Library World, 105(9/10), 345–356. Aharony, Noa. (2006). The librarian and the information scientist: different percaptions among Israeli information science students. Library & Information Science Research, 28, 235-248. Det Informations-videnskabelige Akademi. (2011). Sótt í ágúst 2011 af http://iva.dk/omiva/nyheder/default.asp?cid=27479. Dugan, C. (2010). Undergraduate LIS education in the US and Europe: practices and trends. Sótt 6. janúar 2012 af http://dspace-unipr.cilea.it/ handle/1889/1285. Gerolimos, M. (2009). Skills developed through library and information science education. Library Review, 58(7), 527–540. Golub, Erin Marie. (2009). Gender devide in librarianskip: past, present, and future. Library Student Journal, október, 2009. Ibekwe-Sanjuan, F., Aparac-Jelušić, T., Ingwersen, P., & Schloegl, C. (2010). Information science in Europe. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 47(1), 1–2. Kajberg, L. (Höf.). (2003). Cross-country partnerships in international library and information science education. New Library World, 104, 218- 226. Ross, L. og Sennyey, P. (2008). The Library is Dead, Long Live the Library! The Practice of Academic Librarianship and the Digital Revolution. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 34(2), 145-152. Sanders, R. (2008). Current demand and future need for undergraduate LIS education in Australia. The Australian Library Journal. 57(2), 102. Scandinavian companies and market. (2011). Libraries in Sweden are also closing down as so far, one fifth of the country’s libraries are now closed. Sótt 15. janúar af http://www.scancomark.se/Regional/Libraries- in-Sweden-are-also-closing-down-as-every-five-libraries-are-closed. html. Steierwald, U. (2006). Five aspects of current trends in German library science. Education for Information, 24(4), 193–200. Taiga Forum 2011 Provocative Statements. (2011). The community of AULs and ADs: challenging the traditional boundaries in libraries. Sótt 5. september 2011 af http://taigaforumprovocativestatements.blogspot. com/2011_05_01_archive.html. Upplýsing: fagfélag um bókasafns- og upplýsingafræði, af http:// www.upplysing.is Stöndum vörð um íslenska tungu Verzlunarskóli Íslands
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