Úr þjóðarbúskapnum - 01.06.1962, Qupperneq 33

Úr þjóðarbúskapnum - 01.06.1962, Qupperneq 33
NATIONAL PRODUCT OF ICELAND The national income and expenditure figures for these years could, on the other hand, be linked to the new estimates for the above men- tioned four years and revised in the light of the new information acquired. It was, there- fore, decided to revise all the national accounts series for the post-war period up to 1960 and consider these as final, with the possible excep- tion of the last year or two. In a brief summary of the results of these estimates, it would take too long to describe the sources and methods in detail. Concep- tually the estimates can be said to conform almost exactly to the standard definitions employed by the OECD and the United Na- tions. Deviations exist only in so far as the available data do not allow any closer appr- oximation to the standard definitions. The sources and methods can be roughly outlined as follows. For the last four years, 1957—1960, the components of gross national product and expenditure have been estimated independently of one another. The main sources are import and export statistics, in- dustrial production statistics, a yearly census of building activities, and central and local government accounts, but along with these various other statistics and information have been employed. These data are fairly com- prehensive and permit of reasonably reliable estimates of the main components of GNP and consequently of the aggregates. This mat- erial had to be processed in many ways. Quantities had to be multiplied by unit valu- es, intermediate products to be subtracted, certain input-output relations to be accounted, for, mark-ups for duty and gross trade mar- gins to be added and so on. A regards priv- ate consumption a detailed statement of the procedures is given in the lOth issue of this periodical. The system provides some opportunities for cross-checking, although not nearly as much as could be wished for. The most important cross-check is provided by the above mention- ed possibility of calculating the aggregates both from the income side and from the expenditure side for the years 1957—1960. National income (net national product) as calculated from the expenditure side is higher for all the four years than the same aggregate calculated from the income side. For the period as a whole the discrepancy is about 11%, but for the first year, 1957, the discrepancy is 9.5%. As the expenditure approach is considered more reliable, the results so obtained have been used for the years 1957—1960. The problem of linking the years prior to 1957 to these results is solved by adding 10 per cent to the nat- ional income figures as arrived at from the income side for these years. This 10% increase provides a tolerable link between 1956 and 1957, as well as between the four year period 1957—1960, on the one hand, and the preced- ing period on the other. This kind of correct- ion can not give an exact measure of the absolute level of the national income, but the continuity and the comparability of the series should thereby be provided for. The approximately 10—11 per cent difference between the two sets of results is fairly plausible. The calculations from the income side are based on income tax statements of individuals and firms. These are augmented by various estimated differences behveen the concepts of taxable income and national income. But it is a widely recognized fact that estimates based on tax returns tend to be on the low side. Structure and relationships Of the five main tables following this article, the first two are intended to show the struc- tural relationships, while the latter three are intended to show the trends. Figures one and two exemplify the structural relationships for two selected years at the beginning and the 31
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Úr þjóðarbúskapnum

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