Úr þjóðarbúskapnum - 01.06.1962, Síða 36

Úr þjóðarbúskapnum - 01.06.1962, Síða 36
ÚR ÞJÓÐARBÚSKAPNUM the first years. Nevertheless the resulting trend is plausible. Depreciation showed the lowest percentage of GNP for the first years when much of old assets were in use. Their value is low compared with gross capacity, but the depreciation allowances are calculated from the residual values at any time. From the year 1949 onwards depreciation has re- mained at approximately 10 per cent of GNP, slightly higher though for the years 1950— 1952. Other things being equal, this indicates a rather stable ratio of production to capital. Information about net values is given as a supplement to table 1 in lines 14 to 16. These are used to build up the relationships based on net values in section B of table 2. These relations are illustrated in figure 2. The net relations have to be based on net market values, which is a rather unusual concept. The net relations show to some extent the same picture as the gross relations but with some- what different dimensions. This approach yields an estimate of net savings and their relation to net financing from abroad. The savings item is calculated from the other items as a residual, without any reference to fin- ancial statistics. The savings ratio shows quite a remarkable development, as during the first years it varied between 4.6 per cent and 9.2 per cent, but increased rapidly thereafter and reached some 17 per cent at the end of the period. The most comprehensive savings concept is applied here, including by implication the own labour of housebuilders and farmers, self-financing of firms and so on. The development of national product and expenditure The volume development of the national product, of its components, and of other national accounts aggregates are shown in tables 3, 4 and 5. Table 3 shows the am- ounts at constant prices of 1954, but the otlier tables show the volume development in the form of indices. The volume indices of the main components indicate in their relations to one another much the same as has already been explained on the basis of the percentage relations. The relative developments over the period are reflected by the indices for 1960 which are 140 for private consumption, 191 for public consumption and 222 for gross capi- tal formation, but 157 for total national ex- penditure, all based on 1945 as hundred. By way of general principe, certain qual- ifications are called for relating to some of the years, when shortages of some consump- tion goods, or at least restricted choice, pre- vailed. The price indices used for deflation do not take account of this, and private consump- tion and total national product of these years may, therefore, by somewhat overestimated. No empirical basis for the assessment of the shortages exists, liowever, and no corrections can, therefore, be suggested. But these con- siderations apply mainly to the years 1948— 1950. Gross national product increased sharply the first two years of the period, from 1945 to 1947, but remained the same for the next two years, 1948 and 1949, being then almost 14 per cent higher than in 1945. From then on the national product decreased and reached a minimum in 1952 in 104.6 points on the index, having been only slightly higher the year be- fore. In the following years there was again a rapid increase. The growth was fastest for the first three years from 1952 to 1955, but has been slower from then on. For two of these years, 1957 and 1960, production was almost the same as the years immediately preceding them. No statistics are available to show which part increased employment and increased overtime played in this growth, but these factors may be considered important 34
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