Úr þjóðarbúskapnum - 01.06.1962, Qupperneq 37

Úr þjóðarbúskapnum - 01.06.1962, Qupperneq 37
NATIONAL PRODUCT OF ICELAND during the years 1952—1955. It may also be held for certain that the development was in the reverse from 1949 to 1951. The total increase over a span of 15 years is 64 per cent. It corresponds to a growth rate of 3.4 per cent a year. The increase from 1952 to 1960, on the other hand, is 57 per cent over 8 years, corresponding to 5.6 per cent a year. Neither of these figures would probably be considered as representing a basic Jong run growth trend, as the economy went trough a cycle of an extraordinary character, of which 1952 was the trough. If the year 1950 is taken as a point of departure, the result is inter- mediate. The total increase is then 49.5 per cent, which corresponds to a growth rate of 4.1 per cent a year. In the diagrams in figures 3 and 4, which only carry Icelandic texts, the development of the national product is compared with the development of three other sets of variables. Comparison is made with the main compon- ents of national expenditure, with the aggre- gates of external trade and with other con- cepts of total national production. A glance at these diagrams reveals that public consump- tion and capital formation were always, with only one exception, higher than production relative to 1945. Private consumption on the other hand was considerably lower than pro- duction and this difference kept growing most of the period. Both imports and exports increased very much more than the national product, in a rela- tive sense. The increase of exports in excess of the increase in production was 34 per cent at the close of the period, but that of imports 12.5 per cent. This difference begins to be formed in 1951 as regards exports, but im- ports start growing faster than national prod- uct by the year 1953, although the volume index of imports does not rise above that of national product until in the year 1955. These development relations give rise to the ques- tion whether a fast growth of the national product is conditioned by a still faster increase of external trade. This, however does, not explain the causation of the accelerated growth of imports and exports. Such explanations could refer to the conditions of extemal mark- ets, the fish catches, foreign military invest- ments and the eonditions created by the ad- ministration of exchange rates and export subsidy systems. It would lead too far in the present context to attempt an appraisal of these explanations. The growth of exports in excess of the growth of imports is also noteworthy. That difference has grown to 19 per cent in the year 1960. But this is only a measure of the development of physical quantities not of ex- port revenues. The real export revenue devel- oped very much less favourably than the phy- sical volume due to a deterioration of the terms of trade with the rest of the world. The real export revenue again is a decisive factor de- termining the purchasing power vis-a-vis im- ports. The difference in terms of trade as compared with the year 1954 is assessed in terms of amounts in line 11 of table 3. This difference is calculated in accordance with standard international practise by deflating the export values of table 1 by the price index of imports and subtracting exports at their own constant prices. Corrected for this diff- erence, exports are revalued to exchange val- ue and the national product is revalued to constant value in use instead of constant value in production. Revalued in this way the national product has a much clearer meaning as real income and is shown in table 3 to 5 under the name gross national income. The terms of trade developed in quite a dramatic way over the first half of the period. The difference is greatest between the years 1946 and 1951, 303 million kronur valued at 1954 prices. Throughout the intervening period the terms of trade deteriorated. In spite of a 5 35
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Úr þjóðarbúskapnum

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