
Jökull - 01.12.1955, Síða 5

Jökull - 01.12.1955, Síða 5
therefore flow at an averaged shear stress lower than the above value of S0, and this will great- ly increase the rate of strain in the boundary layer. Measurements on valley glaciers (Orvig, 1953) have actually shown that the maximun shear within the ice inferred from the surface slope is of the order of 0.5 to 1.5 bar, that is, a great deal lower than the above critical S0 = 1.6 bar. It is on the other hand to be expected that pressure increases the compactness and strength of the ice in the boundary layer and thus in- creases the critical shear stress there. Summing up the above considerations we can conclude that the rate of strain in the flow- ing ice-sheet will be by far greatest in the boundary layer, and that the ice above it will move more like a solid. The conditions will actu- ally be somewhat similar to the gliding of a body on a slightly lubricated plane, and we may therefore infer that the shear stress at the top of the boundary layer can be expressed by the above relation = kvw (h — f), where k is the coefficient of friction and (h — f) the thickness. The dependence on the height is underlined by the effect of pressure on the strength of the boundary layer. It is on the other hand to be stated that this relation does not hold at very low or zero velocity, but this is not harmful when we are dealing with glaciers which actually glide on the bed. THE NEWTONIAN ICE Although of theoretical interest only the first step will be the deduction of a differential equation for the form of an ice-sheet moving on a horizontal plane and behaving as a New- tonian fluid with constant viscosity. If the vector of flow at (x, y) is denoted by F the following equation of continuity is obtained: (2) where C is the volume of accumulation and B the volume of ablation per unit area and unit time. The figures C and B are generally func- tions of the coordinates and of the time. In accordance with the above approximations (a), (b) and (c) the differential equation for the velocity vector V can be written:: ju - grodp = wgrac/h (3) where p is the coefficient of viscosity for the ice. This equation has to be integrated with the boundary conditions dV/dz = 0 at z = h, and kVowh = — wh (gracl h) at the bed. The solution is therefore: if w is assumed constant, ancl this gives the flow: r ’ jn*=-(j£J(5) Inserting F from (5) into (2) we obtain the final approximate differential equation for the thin Newtonian ice-sheet with constant viscosity moving on a horizontal plane: ■*'((£'* tír"")* c-‘-$ <6) which in the one-dimensional case becomes: It is to be underlined that the equations (6) and (7) are derived by the approximations (a) to (c), constant specific weight, and furthermore that the specific accumulation and ablation C and B are measured in volumes. Nevertheless, these are non-linear partial differential equa- tions which are quite difficult to solve numerically. THE REAL ICE In the case of real ice the equation (1) has to be applied instead of the constant viscosity relation above. The treatment here will for simplicity at first be restricted to the one- dimensional ice-sheet moving on a horizontal plane as this furnishes all the essentials needed for the final result. By the approximation (c) the equation (1) gives 3



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