
Jökull - 01.12.1957, Síða 8

Jökull - 01.12.1957, Síða 8
model, that is, a one dimensional temperature field in a semi-infinite solid which is subjected to erosion or sedimentation and variable tem- perature at the boundary. The heat conduc- tivity, k, and the diffusivity, a, are assumed constant. The differential equation for the temperature T’ in a fixed coordinate systern is aT’xx = T’t (1) with the boundary y = 0 at T = 0 and the initial temperature a linear function of the depth. In this case f(t) = 0 and h(y) = gy, where g is a constant. The integrals in equa- tion (6) are easily computed. A transformation back to T by the second equation in (3) gives the final solution where x is the coordinate in the solid and t' the time. This equation has to be solved with the boundary conditions x-vt’ = 0, T’ = f (t), t’ = 0, T’ = h (x), ( ^ where v is tfie velocity of erosion (or sedimenta- tion where v is negative) which will be assumed constant. Equation (1) is solved by the means of the transformation y = x — vt’, t = t’ (3) T = T’ = u (y, t) exp (— vy/2a — v2 t/4a), which transform the equation (1) into auxx = ut (4) and the boundary conditions into y = 0, u = f (t) exp (v2 t/4a), t = 0, u = h (y) exp (vy/2a). The solution of the problem presented by (4) and (5) is given by Carslaw (10) f V2 f^ V*2 u - J/?/yJe2a ðffáyizjetz + J/'fzJeJio 02(/,y;zJc/z 'o Jn (6) where Gi (t, y; z) and G2 (t, y; z) are defined , / / . fe+yj* (7) G»fr.y;zJ = y — e Jett-I) Special case: Period of erosion with the initial condition h(y) = gy where g is a constant. An interesting special case is presented when the erosion of the velocity v is started at t = 0 The derivative of (8) gives the temperature gradient at the surface The temperature gradient at the surface de- pends therefore on the term r/2 a/ at, where r is the portion eroded in the time t, that is, r = vt. Approximation methods in tlie case of two or more short periods of erosion. The problem of estimating the effect of more than one period of erosion will be encountered in the following. In principle, this problem is solved by the ap- plication of the general solution (6) to each period. The temperature distribution found at the end of a period serves as the initial distribu- tion for the subsequent period. The parameter v is zero for periods of no erosion. The computations involved in this procedure become quite lengthy when several periods with different external parameters are encountered. In the present case, we are mainly interested in the erosion during the Pleistocene glacial stages. As will be mentioned below the indica- tions are that each of the 4 major glacial stages were relatively short compared to the total length of the Pleistocene. Each stage may have covered less than 10% of the total length of the Pleistocene. Let At be the length of a period of erosion and t the tíme that has passed since the middle of the period. In the case where t > > At the effects of the erosion at the time t may be approximated on the basis that the total erosion occurred instantaneously at the middle of the period. Let the initial conditions before the erosion be T = gy, where g is a constant gradient, and furthermore f(t) = 0. If r is the total thickness 6



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