
Jökull - 01.12.1957, Side 10

Jökull - 01.12.1957, Side 10
n'y.trttj = JrfrtJGfar.y.zJtfz (20) The surface gradient due to this part is there- fore Fy(0,(t1+At))=gCeil(t1+At) (21) The surface gradient at the end of the second period is therefore underestimated if the fol- lowing expression is applied g (1 + Ce, i (tx + At) + Ce> 2(At)) (22) Accordingly, by the proper choice of the second correction factor the following ineqality holds for any time t > t^ (Ty)y=0>g(l+Ce,i (t) + C0i2 (t-tj)) (23) which furnishes the lower limit to the surface gradient. The expressions (17) and (23) give upper and lower limits to the surface gradient in the case of two periods of erosion. The method is easily extended to the case of more than two periods. The surface gradient will in the following be approximated by the average of the two limits. In general, the correction factors are small com- pared to unity and the difference between the limits is, therefore, relatively small. Approximations in the case of a short period of no erosion following a period of erosion. In the case where a period of erosion is fol- lowed by a much shorter period of no erosion, the changes of the surface gradient in the second period will be relatively small and can be regarded as a small correction to the surface gradient at the end of the first period. A use- able approximation to this correction can be derived in the following way. It will be assumed again that f (t) = 0 and that the initial temperature distribution at the beginning of the erosional period is T = gy where g is a constant gradient. The tempera- ture distribution at the end of this period is therefore given by equation (8). In order to obtain the temperature distribution at the encl of the second period, this expression has to be used as the initial temperature distribution for the second period. An approximation in the present case is found by assuming that the total erosion dur- ing the first period occurred instantaneously at the time t0 before the end of this period. The time t0 can be found by the condition that the approximation should give the exact surface gradient at the end of the period. Expression (9) can in most practical cases be written (Ty)y = 0=g(l+br/Vit) (24) where t is the time since the beginning of the erosion and b a constant. On the other hand, the surface gradient at the time t in the case of an instantaneous erosion of the same amount at the time t — t0 is given by expression (14) (Ty)y=o =g(l +r/V"ato) (25) By equating (24) and (25) we find t0 = t/ab2 (26) The surface gradient at the end of the second period of the length At where At << t can therefore be approximated by <t,),=.=S(> + ^==7^) (27) The surface gradient at the end of the second period is therefore obtained by the multiplica- tion of the correction factor at the end of the first period by the factor ,/ -------------- (28 V t + jtb2 At CORRECTION OF THE OBSERVED WELL TEMPERATURES In order to attempt a thermal dating of the geological events three working hypotheses (A), (B) and (C) will be applied. The first hypothesis or hypothesis (A) will be based on the assumption that the uplift took place at the end of the Tertiary period and that the present landscape forms, that is, the fiords and valleys are the work of the entire Pleistocene period. It will furthermore be assumed that the present remnants of the peneplaine represent the true height at the beginning of the Pleistocene glaciation. Hypothesis (B) will be based on the as- sumption that the uplift took place in the middle of the Pleistocene period and that the 8



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