
Jökull - 01.12.1957, Síða 13

Jökull - 01.12.1957, Síða 13
that wood may be transformed in the labora- tory into substances resembling low-rank coal if it is heated to 300° C in closed tubes. Furthermore, bituminous coals decompose and yield hydrocarbons at temperatures from 300° C to 350° C. Great caution is needed in the application of such data in the study of geochemical pro- cesses. However, as time is an important factor it would appear likely that the natural pro- cesses could proceed at temperatures below the laboratory values. With regard to this it appears unlikely that the lignites could have been subjected to 400° C for any appreciable length of time, and certainly less likely that the temperature could have exceeded 500° C during millions of years. Subsurface temperatures in Iceland as in- dicated by the post-Glacial upwarping. Einars- son (16) concludes on the basis of studies of Áskelsson (17) and Bárdarson (18) that the post-Glacial upwarping of Iceland lagged a few thousand years after the deglaciation. Marine shells found in ancient elevated shore lines indicate a relatively high temperature of the ocean at a time before the beginning of the upwarping. The conclusion appears inevit- able that the deglaciation had taken place be- fore the main upwarping started. The average viscosity of the substratum may be estimated on this basis. Einarsson (16) finds figures which appear to preclude the existence of any larger molten horizons in the substratum. In general, the temperature of the substratum must, there- fore, be below the melting point. Volume of instrusions in the Tertiary basalts. The Tertiary basalt plateau of Iceland appears to ltave been built up mainly by fissure erup- tions. Typical historic events of this type are the large eruptions of the Laki in 1783 and the Eldgjá around 950. The former fissure erupted a total of 12 km3 of lava frorn a length of 25 km. The Eldgjá erupted 9 km3 from a length of 30 km. The average output of both fissures is 0.4 km3 of lava per km of length. These two eruptions are responsible for a considerable part of the lava formecl during historic time in Iceland. The erupting fissures are connected to feeder dikes which extend down to the sources of the magma. These dikes are very numerous in the basalt plateau. Walker (14) has studied the distribution of dikes in the Reydarfjörd- ur area and concluded that 4% of the 43 km long section consists of dikes which have an average width of 3 metres. There are indiaca- tions that the ratio may be as high as 6% in the lowest part of the section. This compares well with the data furnished by the Laki and the Eldgjá. If the feeder dikes have a width of 3 metres, the ratio between the volume output per km of the fissure and the volume of 1 km of depth of the dikes is 133. Estimating the minimum total thickness of the Tertiary lavas at 8 km we find that the lowest sections should contain 6% by volume of dikes. These figures include the dikes only. There are other forms of instrusions as sills and volcanic necks. Their integrated volume ap- pears less tlian that of the dikes. We may, therefore, conclude that the integrated volume of intrusives in the lower basalt plateau is probably not in excess of 10% of the country rock and that most of it is occupied by thin dikes which are scattered around. Einarsson (16) has carried out a fairly com- prehensive survey of gravity in Iceland. Mainly the south-western parts have been studied in detail. The average density of a section of the basalt plateau is found to be 2.7. Intrusives, on the other hand, may have a density of 2.9 to 3.0. The density contrast may be larger in locations of heavy alteration. Large intrusives should, therefore, lead to substantial gravity anomalies or about 10 mgal per km in thick- ness. A nurnber of intrusives are revealed by the gravity survey. What is of interest in the present study is that there are apparently no major intrusives at the locations of well (1) and (3). On the other hand, well (2) is located at the northern end of an intrusive which appears to have the dimensions of 12 by 3 km and a thickness less than one km. Parts of the intrusive outcrop. Local volcanism in the vicinity of the ivells. All three wells listed in Table (I) have been drilled into Tertiary basalts. There are no signs of post-Glacial or late Quaternary volcan- ism in the close vicinity of the wells. The distance to the nearest centra of post-Glacial activity are 25, 25 and 50 km in the case of well (1), (2) ancl (3) respectively. 11



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