
Jökull - 01.12.1957, Side 15

Jökull - 01.12.1957, Side 15
(31) from Great Britain has been corrected for erosion. The reduced heat flow may be sligthly lower and more in accord with the global average. Surface heat flow and gravity anomalies due to intrusives. In general, both conduction and mass transport of heat contribute to the cool- ing of intrusive bodies. The mass transport may be due to magmatic convection within the intrusive in its initial fluid phase. Further- more, convection currents in the adjacent ground water are possible. The magmatic convection is unimportant in the case of intrusives which are relatively small compared to the depth. Convection of the ground water depends on the permeability of the country rock and is absent in rock of negligible permeability. Therefore, both effects may be disregarded at certain conditions. The temperature field around an extensive horizontal intrusive sill may in the first ap- proximation be regarded as one-dimensional. Furthermore, a relatively thin sill of constant thickness will roughly be equivalent to the instantaneous liberation of a constant amount of heat at the depth of the sill. The outward conduction of heat from the sill may then be estimated on the following basis. Suppose a semi-infinite solid of zero initial temperature. According to Carslaw (10) the temperature T at the depth x and the time t due to the instantaneous liberation of a con- stant amount of heat FI cal/cm2 at the depth y and t:me zero is given by T = - H 2cp -y/ nat E (X - y)2 4at (x + y)~al 4at (29) where c is the specific heat by constant pres- sure, p the density and a the diffusivity of the material. These properties of the material are assumed constant in space and time. The temperature gradient at the surface is found to be (Tx) x ~ o Hy 2kt jtat e _y2_ 4at (30) where k is the heat conductivity. The r.h.s. of equation (30) may be regarded as a function of u = yjZ\/a.t. The function f (u) = ue — u2 has a maximum f (u) = 0.43 at u = 1 /-y/ 2. The maximum surface temperature gradient is therefore obtained at y=1.4 y/ at and is (Tx)x = 0 = 0.24-Jk (32) This may be written in terms of the maximum surface heat flow Qmax = 0.24 H/t (33) Furthermore, an integration of equation (30) gives the amount of heat Q (t) which at the time t has been conducted through the surface of the semi-infinite solid. Q(tj=Herfc(y/2V«) (34) Hence, 32% of the heat have been conducted out of the solid when the maximum surface flow is reached. In the case of the intrusive sill the quantity H = md, where m is the sensible heat content of the magma and d the thickness of the sill. By a density contrast of Ap the gravity anomaly of the sill is given by (Jakosky, (25)). Ag = 4.2 • 10—4 Ap d (35) where Ag is given in mgal and d in cm. For d we may insert H/m and obtain Ag = 4.2 • 10—4 Ap H/m (36) The application of equation (33) and m = 103 cal/cm3 gives Ag = 53 Ap Qmax t (37) where Qmax is measured in microcal/cm2 sec ancl t in 10° years. Equation (37) gives approximately the rela- tion between the gravity anomaly and the maximum surface heat flow from an extensive thin liorizontal intrusive sill which was formed instantaneously at the time t before present. The average depth of the sill giving the maximum surface heat flow is y=1.4-^/at. Actually, equation (37) is more general than indicated by the above derivation. It may also be applied to the case of the spherical intru- sive emplaced at a depth which is great com- 13



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