
Jökull - 01.12.1957, Síða 16

Jökull - 01.12.1957, Síða 16
pared with the radius. The maximum surface heat flow is then measured vertically above the centre of the sphere. DISCUSSION The occurrence of lignites in the lower parts of the basalt plateau in eastern Iceland ap- pears to provide the most direct clue to the present problem. Provided that the above inter- pretation of the low rank of these carbonaceous deposits is correct the temperature in the lignite horizons should never have exceeded 500° C for any appreciable length of tirne. Thus, the temperature at the depth of 8 km in the basalts of eastern Iceland should practically never have exceeded 500° C. In the steady state the equation for the temperature in the region above the lignites is kTxx + q = 0, (38) where q is the amount of heat liberated in the rock per unit time and unit volume. If q is constant the solution at the boundary conditions x = 0, T = 0 x = h T = Th is and the surface heat flow is Q0=kTh/h + H/2 (40) where H = qh, that is, the heat liberated per unit time and unit area of the column 0 < x < h. In the present case heat may be liberated by (1) radioactive disintegration, (2) intrusion of magma and (3) seismic foci. According to Walker (14) the above plateau section in eastern Iceland consists of 83% of basalt, 7% of rhyolite, 5% of andesite and 5% of sediments. Applying the figures given by Birch (9) we find the average heat libera- tion by radioactive processes of 1.6xl0 —13 cal/cm3sec, that is, a total production in the upper 8 km of 0.13 microcal/cm2 sec. The heat liberated by the intrusions may be estimated on the basis of the figures given above. We will assume that at most 10% af the basalt plateau consists of small intrusive bodies, mainly dikes, which have been formed at an approximately uniform rate during the building up of the eastern plateau in the period from the Eocene to the middle or late Tertiary. Assuming this time to be 40 • 10° years and the average sensible heat content of the magma to be 103 cal/cm3 we find an average liberation of heat of 0.8-10 —13 cal/ cm3sec.The total heat flow due to the intrusives in the upper 8 km is, therefore, 0.06 microcal/ cm2 sec. At present the seismic foci may liberate an average of 0.01 microcal/cm2 sec. Most of the heat is released in the zone of post-Glacial volcanism where the average may be 0.04. We may tentatively assume that all foci are above the depth of 8 km and apply this figure as an average for the period during the building up of the eastern plateau. Thus, the quantity H is estimated at 0.2 microcal/cm2 sec and the second term in equa- tion (40) at 0.1. The surface heat flow is, therefore, dominated by the first term. By in- serting Th = 500° C, h = 8 km and k = 0.004 cal/cm °C sec we find Q0 = 2.6 microcal/cm2sec. This should be the maximum surface heat flow, provided the temperature of the lignites has not exceeded 500° C for any appreciable length of time. The Reydarfjördur area can no doubt be regarded as representative for the general conditions in the basalt plateau. Therefore, the average temperature conditions there can hardly be much different from those in the western parts of the plateau. Important devia- tions of the present surface heat flow in the western parts can only be expected in locations where intrusives have been formed in the course of relatively recent volcanism. These may be large single intrusives of late Pliocene or Quaternary age, or a multiple intrusion of dikes of late Quaternary or post-Glacial age. In discussing the various possibilities we may apply equation (37) in combination with the gravity survey of Einarsson (16). The uncertainty as to the dating of the most recent volcanism at well (1) renders the data from this well inapplicable for an estima- tion of the volcanic effects. The intrusive at well (2) has a thickness of less than 1 km and a minimum age of J/2 million years. The present surface heat flow due to this intrusive can be estimatecl roughly 14



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