
Jökull - 01.12.1957, Side 18

Jökull - 01.12.1957, Side 18
violating the temperature condition. Hence, we may expect that larger anomalies of the surface heat flow either originate above the depth of 100 km or that the anomalous flow is transported through this level by some other process than condution. According to the data given by Anderson the surface heat flow in the vicinity of Glasgow should be around 1.8 microcal/cm2 sec, that is, about 0.4 above the average for England. The wells at Glasgow used by Anderson are located very close to the Mtdl dike-swarm which is a marginal part of the Brito-Arctic basalt province. In applying Anderson’s data it is to be remarked that the heat flow has not been corrected for glacial erosion. Nevertheless, there appears to be a relatively small anomaly at Glasgow which can be due to the fact that the location belongs to the Tertiary basalt province. We may now attempt to trace the history of this anomaly back to the early Tertiary when the volcanism was in vigour at this location. It is clear that the radioactive processes and convection currents in the mantle are quasi- stationary phenomena that do not change ap- preciably during the Tertiary. Hence, if the anomaly is due to these processes it would have remained almost constant through the Tertiary and the total heat flow at Glasgow would be very much the same as now, that is, 1.8 microcal/cm2 sec. The present data on the seismicity of Ice- land are not indicative of a noticeable contri- bution by the seismic foci to the heat flow in general. However, it is to be underlined that the present heat flow is unrelated to the pre- sent seismicity. This fact is clearly shown by equation (34) which gives the time required for the outflow of heat released at a given depth. For example, if one cal is released at the depth of 20 km, only about \/2 cal has been conducted out of the surface in the course of the first 20 million years after the release. Hence, a contribution to the pre- sent heat flow by seismic foci would have to be the result of the seismicity during the early and middle Tertiary. Furthermore, in order to amount to a noticeable contribution the seismicity must then have remained at a much higher level than present for tens of millions of years. There are good reasons to expect that the thermal processes within the earth are the cause of the release of mechanical energy in the form of seismic waves, orogeny etc. The conversion of the heat to the mechanical energy is necessarily a process of very low efficiency. On the other hand, the present average energy release in the form of seismic waves as given by Gutenberg and Richter (19) is not less than 1/700 part of the present estimates of the total outward flow of terrestrial heat. This ratio appears quite high when it is taken into account that the energy of the seismic waves consti- tutes only a part, probably a small part, of the total mechanical energy released in the earth. Thus, there appear reasons to suspect that the present seismicity is above the long time aver- age. The possibility that the seismicity of Ice- land was much larger than present during a substantial part of the Tertiary is, therefore, not likely. Clark (29) has discussed the radiative transfer of heat within the earth. He comes to the con- clusion that the radiative transfer becomes noticeable at temperatures above 1,000° C and may contribute substantially to the heat trans- port in the upper 600 km of the mantle. The radiative effect is negligible in the zones near to the surface where the temperature is below 1,000° C. Thus, an increase of the temperature at the depth of 100 to 200 km may enhance the effec- tive conductivity and lead to an anomalous flow of heat. However, the relaxation time for anomalies at this depth is very large, probably very much larger than the length of the Tertiary period. Therefore, if the anomalous heat flow at Glasgow is due to an enhanced conductivity at depth it would have remained largely un- changed during the Tertiary period. Mass transport of heat by upflowing magma is, therefore, the main process requiring atten- tion. The data obtained at the Kilauea, Mauna Loa and the Paríchutin indicate that the aver- age depth of the magma reservoirs may be around 40 km. Below this depth there may be large local reservoirs of fluid magma where convection may be the main mode of heat transport. Above the reservoir heat is mainly transported by conduction, and a relatively smaller part by magma flowing up through the feeder dikes of the erupting fissures and vents. 16



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