
Jökull - 01.12.1957, Page 21

Jökull - 01.12.1957, Page 21
REFEREN CES (1) Pjeturss, H.: Om Islands Geologi. Trans. Danish Geological Soc. no. 11, Copenhag- en 1905. 2) Einarsson, T.: Ueber das Wesen der heis- sen Quellen Islands. Soc. Scientiarum Is- landica, Reykjavik, 1942. (3) Einarsson, T.: Der Paláomagnetismus der islándischen Basalte und seine stratigraph- ische Bedeutung. N. Jahrb. f. Geologie u. Paláonotologie, Monatshefte 1957, pp. 159 -175. (4) Roche,A.: Comptes Rendu, 256, 1956, p. 856. (5) Akimoto, S.: London Conf. on Paleo- magnetism, 1—3, Nov. 1956. (6) Bodvarsson, G.: Terrestrial Heat Balance in Iceland. Journal of the Engineer’s As- sociation in Iceland. Vol. 39 nr. 6 1954. (7) Bodvarsson, G.: Geophysical Methods in the Prospecting for Hot Water in Iceland. (in Danish). Journal of the Engineer’s As- sociation in Iceland, v. 35, nr. 5, pp. 49 -59. 1950. (8) Birch, F., Schairer, J. F., and Spicer, C.: Handbook of Physical Constants. Geol. Soc. Am. 1942. (9) Birch, F.: Nuclear Geology, ed. by Faul, 1954, Chapter 5, pp. 148—174. John Wiley & Sons, New York. (10) Carslaw, H. S., and Jaeger, J. C.: Conduc- tion of Heat in Solids. Oxford Uni. Press, 1947. (11) Emiliani, C.: Pleistocene Temperatures. Journal of Geology, v. 63, pp. 538—578, 1955. (12) Thorarinsson, S.: The Submerged Peat in Seltjörn. (In Icelandic with a summary in English). Náttúrufrædingurinn (Reykja- vík) v. 26, nr. 4, pp. 179—193, 1956. (13) Birch, F.: The Effects of Pleistocene Clim- atic Variations upon Geothermal Gradi- ents. Am. Journ. Sc. v. 246, nr. 12, 1948. (14) Walker, G.P.L.: Volcanic Geology of the Reydarfjördur Area, Eastern Iceland. Un- published report to the Nat. Research Council of Iceland. 1957. (15) Twenhofel, W. H.: Principles of Sedi- mentation. McGraw-Hill, New York 1939. (16) Einarsson, T.: Survey of Gravity in Ice- land. Soc. Scientiarum Islandica, XXX, Reykjavík, 1954. (17) Askelsson, J.: Kvartárgeologische Studien von Island. Geol. För. i Stockholm, För- handlinger, 1934. (18) Bárdarson, G.: Ancient Shore Lines in Borgarfjördur and Hvalfjördur. Soc. Scientiarum Islandica, 1923. (19) Gutenberg, B.: Progress Report, Seismo- logical Laboratory, C.I.T. 1955. Trans. Am. Un. v. 37, no. 2, April 1956, pp. 232 -238. (20) Benioff, H.: Earthquakes and Rock Creep. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. v. 41, nr. 1, Jan. 1951, pp. 31-62. (21) Jeffreys, Sir H.: The Earth. Cambridge Uni. Press. 1952. (22) Chadwick: Nature, v. 178, pp. 105—106, 1956. (23) Bullard, Sir E., and Niblett: Terrestrial Heat Flow in England. Month. Not. R. Astr. Soc. Geoph. Suppl. v. 6, pp. 222— 238, 1951. (24) Anderson, E. M.: The Loss of Heat by Conduction from the Earth’s Crust in Britain. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, v. 60, pp. 192-209, 1940. (25) Jakosky, /.: Exploration Geophysics. Trija Publ. Co. Los Angeles, 1950. (26) Finch, R. H., Bull. Seimo. Soc. Amer. v. 33, pp. 237-241, 1943. (27) E1 Parícutin Mexico, D.F. 1945. (28) Jacobs, J.A.: The Earth’s Interior. Encl. of Physics. v. XLVII, Geophysics I, Spring- er, Berlin, Göttingen, Heidelberg, 1956, pp. 364—406. (29) Clark, S. P.: Radiative Transfer in the Earth’s Mantle. Trans. Amer. Geoph. Un- ion. v. 38, nr. 6, Dec. 1957, pp. 931—938. ÁGRIP : ÁILRIF ÍSALDARJÖIiLA Á HITA í JÖRÐU Menn hafa ekki verið á eitt sáttir um aldur núverandi landslags á Islandi. Helgi Pjeturss taldi, að efsti hluti blágrýtismyndunarinnar á Norður- og Vesturlandi vceri kvarter, og nú- verandi landslag væri því mótað á seinni hlut- um isaldar. Þessi skoðun hefur átt talsverðu fylgi að fagna. Nokkrir jarðfræðingar hafa þó 19



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