
Jökull - 01.12.1957, Blaðsíða 23

Jökull - 01.12.1957, Blaðsíða 23
SIGURDUR THORARI NSSON: The Jökulhlaup from the Katla Area in 1955 compared with other Jökulhlaups in Iceland The eruptions o£ the volcano Katla in Mýr- dalsjökull are known to start always with jökul- hlaups which at their maximum are really en- ormous. It has been estimated that the discharge of the jökulhlaup of Katla (Kötluhlaup) in 1918 at its maximum was between three and four hundred thousand m3/sec. (Hannesson 1934). This figure is probably somewhat — hut in my opinion not necessarily very much — too high. It must also be taken into consideration that the discharge of a Kötlu- hlaup may consist to a great part o£ ice, not only icebergs of all sizes, but also a more fine- grained ice, that can make the hlaup look like a sort of sludge. This ice should be subtracted from the total volume of the hlaup when dis- cussing the origin and the storage of the hlaup water. However I regard it as likely, judging from descriptions of Kötluhlaups, that their discharge of water (the ice subtracted) may reach an euphemeral maximum of at least 100 000 m3/sec, i.e. ab. the size of the river Amazon, or more than twice as much as a Skeidarár- hlaup at its maximum. We know from Rist’s measurements (Rist 1955) that tlie maximum discharge of the last Skeidarárhlaup, in July 1954, was 10 500 m3/sec, or at least 10 times less than that of a normal Kötluhlaup and the total quantity of water discharged by this Skeidarár- hlaup was ab. 3.5 km3. Tlie Skeidarárhlaup in March 1934 may be regarded as normal both as regards the drainage discharge pattern and the total quantity of water discharged. Its ap- proximate maximum discharge I have estimated at ab. 45 000 m3/sec, and the total quantity of water discharged at ab. 7 km3 (Thorarinsson 1953). In my opinion most of the water dis- charged by a Skeidarárhlaup is stored up sub- glacially in the Grímsvötn depression between the eruptions and dammed up by an ice barrier until the water level has been raised so high that the water can force its way under the barrier. In the above mentioned paper I stress- ed the close resemblance between the discharge graphs of the jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn and graphs of drainage of normal ice dammed lakes such as Lake Grænalón, and I classified Gríms- vötn as a type of ice-dammed lake. The seismic soundings within the depression, carried out by the French-Icelandic expedition in 1951 and the Icelandic-French expedition 1955, indicate that the clepression is much deeper and its ice cover much tliicker than previously assumed (Holtzscherer 1954, Thorarinsson 1953, 1955). However, I am still of the opinion that the drainage mechanism of the hlaups from Gríms- vötn is essentially the same as at the hlaups from the ice-dammed lakes. J. W. Glen reminds of the well known fact that an empty hole in a glacier will fill in when more than some 15 to 20 m deep, due to the rapid variation of strain rate with shear stress, and he points out that a waterfilled hole or lake will tend to enlarge itself by the same mechanism if it is more than 150 to 200 m deep. This phenomenon he be- lieves to be responsible for the emptying of lakes such as Grænalón and Grímsvötn (Glen 1951). This is certainly a theory worth con- sidering and the enlarging process could explain a lot in the Grímsvötn area, but I must stress the fact that ice dammed lakes much shallower than 150 m, such as lake Gjánúpsvatn at Hof- fellsjökull, show discharge graphs of the same type as the deep lakes such as Grænalón, and these shallow lakes are often completely empti- ed subglacially by a hlaup, which is not in favour of Glens hypothesis. Nor does his hypo- thesis explain, why the ice dammed marginal lakes sucli as Grænalón and the Vatnsdalur lake, reflect the thinning of the damming glacier (Skeidarárjökull and Heinabergsjökull respectively) in such a manner as they have 21
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