
Jökull - 01.12.1957, Síða 26

Jökull - 01.12.1957, Síða 26
Fig. 3. The main outlet of the hlaup from Kötlukvos on June 25th 1955. Aðalútfall hlaupsins frá Kötlu- kxios. Photo S. Thorarinsson July 3rd 1955. mind it seems to me that with our present knowledge of the topography of the Katla area and of the thickness of the ice in that area it is no longer very problematic how a volume of water big enough to cause the tremendous maximum discharge of the Kötluhlaups, can be stored there subglacially. The Table shows the difference in height between the surface of the stored water at the beginning of the jökul- hlaups mentioned in the paper, and the outlets of respective hlaups at the glacier margins. I liave assumed that the thickness of the ice above the stored water in Kötlukvos and Skaftárkvos was ab. 200 m at the beginning of the hlaups, which of course is a rough estimate. Further the Table shows the horizontal distance between the storage areas and the outlets of the hlaups at the glacier margins, i.e. it shows the distance the hlaup has to force its way under ice. It seems to me justified to draw the conclusion that the bigger the vertical difference is, com- pared with the horizontal distance, the bigger is, ceteris paribus, the maximum discharge of the hlaup compared with the total volume of the discharged water. The thickness of the ice under which the water has to force its way, the absolute length of the subglacial route of the hlaup and the volume and depth of the water in the reservoir also influence the lilaup- type (cf. the difference between the 1934 and 1954 Grímsvötn graphs). The subglacial topo- graphy also plays some role. From these con- siderations one would conclude that hlaups caused by eruptions in Oræfajökull should be decidedly of the Katla type. An eye-witness’ de- scription of the 1727-hlaup ancl that little we know about the hlaup in 1362 rather supports that conclusion. Height difference: surface of stored water/outlet at ice margin m Horizontal distance: storage area/outlet m Height difference: horizontal distance Kötlukvos - 900 14 000 1: 16 Grímsvötn 1330 50 000 1: 38 Skaftárkvos ^ 650 42 000 1: 65 Grænalón 500 20 000 1: 40 Gjánúpsvatn 80 3 800 1: 47 24



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