
Jökull - 01.12.1957, Síða 34

Jökull - 01.12.1957, Síða 34
fellsjökull to try to get a second set of figures for comparison. Much of the survey still has to be worked out. My object has been to bring to notice some of the peculiar features of the ogives on these glaciers of South-East Iceland which are worthy of further study, and to put fcrward the theory that occurred to us in the field, fully realising that further evidence may radically alter the explanation given. REFEREN CES 1. Thorarinsson, S. 1952: Svigður á Morsár- jökli. Jökull, 2:22-25. 2. Thorarinsson, S. 1953: Svigður á Svínafells- jökli. Jökull, 3:39—40 3. Ives, J. D. and King, C. A. M. 1955: Glacio- logical observations on Morsárjökull, Part II. Journal of Glaciology, 2:477—82. 4. Ives, J. D. and King, C. A. M. 1956: Glacio- logical observations on some of the outlet glaciers of S.W.Vatnajökull. Part I. Journal of Glaciology, 2:563—569. 5. Ives, J. D. and King, C. A. M. 1954: Glacio- logical observations on Morsárjökull, Part I. Journal of Glaciology, 2:423—428. 6. Ives, J. D. and King, C. A. M. 1956: Glacio- logical observations on some of the outlet glaciers of S.W.Vatnajökull. Part II. Journ. of Glaciology, 2:646-651. 7. Nye, J. F. 1952: The mechanics of glacier flow. Journal of Glaciology, 2:82—91. 8. Forbes, J. D. 1859: Occasional papers on the theory of glaciers. Edinburgh. 9. Haefeli, R. 1951: Some observations on glacier flow. Journal of Glaciology, 9:496 -498. 10. Chamberlin, R. T. 1928: Instrumental stu- dies on tlie nature of glacier motion. Journ. of Geology, 36:1—30. 11. Lewis, W. V. 1949: Glacier movement by rotational slipping. Geografiska Annaler, 31:146-58. 12. Miller, M. M. 1952: Preliminary notes con- cerning certain glacial structures and glaci- al lakes on the Juneau Ice Field. Juneau Ice Field Research Project, Report No. 6, 1952, p. 49-86. 13. Glaciological studies on Austerdalsbreen, Norway, 1955—57. Paper submitted to the International Commission on Snow and Ice (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) at Toronto, September, 1957. Á G R I P Sumarið 1957 dvaldist hópur stúdenta frá Cambridge háskóla við rannsóknir á Svínafells- jökli og öðrum skriðjöklum í Orcefum. Aðal- viðfangsefnið var að mcela svigður á Svínafells- jökli og gera sér grein fyrir myndun þeirra. í ofanritaðri grein birtir G.R.Elliston bráða- birgðaskýrslu um þessar rannsóknir og rceðir hugsanlegar skýringar á myndun þeirra svigða, einfaldra og margfaldra, sem þeir félagar at- huguðu á Svínafellsjökli, Morsárjökli og Fall- jökli. 32



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