
Jökull - 01.12.1957, Síða 64

Jökull - 01.12.1957, Síða 64
3/o Pack boundary from 6955/1901 to 6700/ 3000 to 6730/3130 to 6700/3200. To small polynya were obs. at 6805/2610. Fifteen small icebergs were at 6715/3108. From M/S Ægir of the Coastal Guard Service the following reports were received: 5/o 2400 z: Approaching close drift ice at 6550/3000. 7/6 1200 z: Reaching an icebelt at 6642/ 2704. Seems to be extending 310° to 120° true. 7/o 2115 z: Have been sailing along the ice edge from 6643/2700 to 6625/2652 to 6644/ 2610 to 6637/2542 to 6643/2515. w/o 0530 z: Ice edge at 6654/2242, 32 miles, 336° true from Cape Kögur. Followecl the edge 7 miles eastward where we encountered considerable drift ice extending southward to a point 25 miles N of Kögur. 11/a 1500 z: Just north of pos. 6800/1930 sighted a 10 miles long icefield extending from W to E. 15/o S/T Tálknfirdingur, 1645 z: Consider- able drift ice encountered at 6754/2142 extend- ng from WNW to ESE. 16/g M/S Ægir 1200 z: Pos. 6730/2306. Are approaching an ice edge extending from NE to SW. 18/a British trawler: Heavy drift ice and bergy bit dangerous to navigation encountered 6608/2655. 18/a S/T Ingólfur Arnarson, llOOz: A big iceberg and several smaller sighted at 6651/ 2355. 20/6 Ice pack boundary on 6937/1900 to 6700/ 2723 to 6535/3200. Numerous icebergs at 6910/ 2130 and 6925/2030. 2e/o Ice boundary from 6845/1845 to 6825/ 1920 to 6800/1930 to 6815/2005 to 6755/2020 to 6755/2115 to 6805/2155 to 6740/2325 to 6850/2500 to 6835/2600 to 6730/2400 to 6715/ 2400 to 6635/2530 to 6700/2820 to 6730/3100. Concentration ranged from 2/io to 8/io- The entire ice pack was very loose and navigable by small boats. Fifteen icebergs were sighted at 6840/2530 and four bergs at 6735/3120. JULY 1957. The ice margin seems to have been about 120 miles from Straumnes. No ice was reported from coastal stations or fishing ships off the NW-coast of Iceland. 8/7 The boundary of ice pack was running from 7155/1800 to 7100/2000 to 7045/1930 to 7000/1920 to 6740/2800 to 6745 /3030 to 6620/ 3200. Concentration averaged 8/io and con- sisted principally of block ice. Numerous ice- bergs in the vicinity of 6750/2900 and 6930/ 2200. AUGUST 1957. No definite pack boundary. The coverage of ice was í/io to s/io and consisted mostly of block ice. 9/s Scattered icebergs were observed as fol- lows: Sixty-five icebergs at 6800/2500, 85 at 6750/3000, 20 at 6650/3300 and 10 icebergs at 6610/3100. Brash extended from 6730 to 6630 and block was from 7000/2120 to 6925/2230. 21/s Six icebergs were sighted at 6930/2300 of approximately two hundred feet in hight. Thirty or thirty-five growlers were sighted near 6900/2430 and eighty to eighty-five at 6600/ 3300. SEPTEMBER 1957. 7/s M/T Svalbakur, 1045 z: A big iceblock at 6644/2107. 7/o M/B Helga: A big iceblock 12 to 14 miles magnetic east of Cape Horn. 13/9 Látravik, 1800 z: A big iceblock sighted ENE of the lighthouse, 10—12 miles offshore. Seems to drift slowly westward. 14/o S/T Karlsefni, 0045 z: A big iceblock at 6636/2424. 14/o Látravik, 1800 z: The iceblock seems to have approached the coast a little since yester- day. 14/o M/S Godafoss, 1900: An iceblock 12.7 miles due east from Cape Horn. 15/a Látravik: Small, single iceblocks drift- ing towards the shore. The nearest ones ab. 3 miles east of the lighthouse. The mainblock remains at the same distance. 18/o Látravík: Several small bits of ice have drifted ashore. Two big blocks 8—10 miles off the lighthouse. 17/o M/S Hvassafell, 1730 z: Passed three icebergs and several iceblocks, 80° ancl 8.5 miles off Cape Horn. 24/9 M/S Arnarfell, 1900 z: Four rather small icebergs sighted 5 to 7 miles to the NE of Sel- sker, Húnaflói. At 1930 z one big berg sighted 96° true, 24 rniles frorn the lighthouse Cape Horn. 62



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