
Jökull - 01.12.1962, Side 61

Jökull - 01.12.1962, Side 61
TABLE 1 Magnitude scale for C oscillations. Maximum recorded amplitude Approximate field Magni- amplitude at Palomar tude by a pcrio'd of 25 sec < 0.25 mm I 0.26 - 0.75 II 0.76- 2.25 III >2.25 IV S 0.7 microgauss 0.7 - 2.2 2.2 - 6.6 >6.6 The same scale has been uscd for all re- corders although the sensitivity is somewhat different. The data on the timing, magnitude and the periods of individual C oscillations are given in Fig. 3 to 6. The occurence of R oscillations accompanying tlie C oscillations is indicated in the figures. The data given in Fig. 3 to 6 exhibit a clear cliurnal pattern and the frequency of occur- rence of the oscillations increases rapidly with increasing solar activity. The data on the sun- spot activity are given in Fig. 13 to 16. Moreover, there is a less conspicuous annual pattern. The activity (magnitude by duration) of the C oscillations appears to be at maxi- mum at the equinoxes. The period is shorter in the summer than in the winter ancl the oscillations commence at a later hour of the day in the summer. The Ap figures for the period November 1954 to February 1957 are given in Fig. 13 to 16. The relation of the magnitude of the C oscilla- tions to the Ap íigure of the days on which tliey occur is illustrated briefly in the following Table 2. These figures exhibit a very clear positive correlation between the magnitude of the C oscillations and the average Ap figure. In studying the period pattern of C oscilla- tions some difficulties arise from the fact tliat a number of the indiviclual events have a wide period band. A more elaborate spectral analysis would be necessary in these cases. However, in the present introductory study it is considered permissible to base the analysis on those events only that have a relatively nar- row period band. A maximum band widlh of 40% has been selected. This leads to the rejec- tion of about 100 C events out of a total of 450. The period range 10 to 40 sec will be divided into the 4 subranges given in Table 3. The number of days witli C oscillations in each range has been counted and the average Ap íigures for the days of each range computed. These data are given in Table 3. Due to the clear annual variation of the period the data in Table 3 are given for the intervals between the equinoxes and also for the whole recording period. A few C events have a period range which is divided equally between two of the subranges (a) to (d). Such events are counted as event on each side. Hence the i/2 values of the number of days. The data given in Table 3 sliow a clear and significant statistical correlation between the TABLE2 Average Ap figures for different magnitudes of C osciliations observecl in California. Nov. 1. 54 to Dec. 31. 55 0 I Magnitude II III IV Number of days 323 60 36 6 1 Average Ap (2y) 8.5 11.8 17.8 32.3 62.5 Jan. 1. 56 to Feb. 28. 57 Number of days 77 133 127 72 15 Average Ap 12.3 11.8 17.0 23.0 62.5 Nov. 1. 54 to Feb. 28. 57 Number of days 400 193 163 78 16 Average Ap 9.3 11.8 17.3 23.7 62.5 JÖKULL 59



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