
Jökull - 01.12.1962, Side 71

Jökull - 01.12.1962, Side 71
 Begin Duration Record Period Field ampl. Reference Other Magni- Date End (h-m) ampl. (mm) (sec) microgauss station stations tude Nov. 1 23-18 - 2 01-30 2-12 0.20 (1.2—1.9) 0.059 p Fl+ MW+ iii — 24 04-00 07-00 3-00 0.05 (0.8-1.0) 0.012 p Fl— MW i — 28 23-35 — 29 00-30 0-55 0.15 (1.4-1.6) 0.042 p Fl— MW+ ii 1956 Feb. 7 02-15 02-40 0-25 0.05 1.5 0.013 p Fl + i — 9 04-45 05-15 0-30 0.05 2.5 0.018 p T > P1) i Mar. 19 23-43 - 20 00-17 0-34 0.40 (0.6—0.8) 0.102 p H+ Fl+ P < T iii Apr. 28 At unknown time one train (1.5-1.8) sec sine waves May 12 03-50 04-30 0-40 0.10 0.5 0.035 p H+ Fl + ii Ampl. H = 0.25 Fl. = 0.25 - 19 04-00 05-30 1-30 0.10 0.6 0.030 p H+ Fl + ii - 26 01-59 02-50 0-21 0.05 0.6 0.015 p H— Fl+ i Ampl. Fl. = 0.10 — 30 00-40 01-12 0-32 0.10 0.5 0.035 p H-F1+ ii June 26 18-00 20-15 2-15 0.05 (1.2—1.8) 0.014 p H + i Juiy 1 02-58 03-20 0-22 0.05 0.7 0.014 p H + i - 9 03-32 04-42 1-10 0.1 0.7 0.027 p H + ii 5 23-30 - 6 00-45 1-15 0.40 (0.8—1.0) 0.099 p H+> iii - 8 00-05 00-47 0-42 1.00 (1.3—1.5) 0.263 p H+> IV - - 01-30 04-00 2-30 0.1 (1.0—1.1) 0.030 p H + ii - - 04-00 05-30 1-30 0.1 2.1 0.031 p H + ii 1) The signs T>P indicate that the event observed at Tinemaha has a greater amplitude than the event at Palomar. JÖKULL 69



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