
Jökull - 01.12.1962, Page 72

Jökull - 01.12.1962, Page 72
Date Begin End Duration (h-m) Record ampl. (mm) Period (sec) Field ampl. microgauss Reference station Other stations Magni- tude - 18 20- 45 21- 30 0-45 0.10 (1.0—1.1) 0.025 p H damaged ii Aug. 3 03-10 03-27 0-17 0.10 1.8 0.031 p H+ ii — 5 00-25 00-48 0-23 0.30 (1.1-1.2) 0.075 p H+> iii — - 01-14 02-50 1-36 0.20 1.0 0.049 p H+> n — - 04-05 04-40 0-35 0.15 (2.0—2.2) 0.049 p H+> ii — 9 04-00 05-00 1-00 0.10 1.8 0.029 p H + ii 1957 Jan. 8 00-30 03-00 2-30 0.30 (1.5—1.7) 0.084 p H + iii Mar. 15 16 23-30 04-00 4-30 0.20 0.8 0.051 p H+ 1 + ii Finally, it should be remarked that the A oscillations have a similar period range as the R oscillations which will be discussed below. OBSERVATIONAL DATA ON TYPF. R OSCILLATIONS The observational data obtained on R oscil- lations are more meagre than the material in the case of the other types o£ oscillations. There- fore, only the following results will be given. The R oscillations are sinusoidal or quasi- sinusoidal oscillations in the period range 0.5 to 3 sec occurring simultaneously with DP and DI oscillations and in rare cases also with C oscillations. The occurrence of R oscillations is marked on the Fig. 3 to 10 by a + sign at the period of the R oscillations. In 1955 and 1956 there is a total of 62 R events associated with DP and DI oscillations. If the R oscillations are grouped into two groups according to whether the period is smaller or equal to 1.2 sec or larger the follow- ing average Ap figures are obtained for the days on which the oscillations occur. TABLE 18 Average Ap figures for two subranges of the periods of R oscillations observed in California. Period < 1.2 sec > 1.2 sec 1955 and 1956 Numer of events 31 31 Average Ap (2y) 20.8 17.3 This is a similar pattern as observed in the case of the A oscillations. A study o£ the sudden commencements and bays found on the Tucson magnetograms and which are associated with DP and DI oscillations reveals that there is a correlation between the magnitude of the Tucson events ancl the occur- rence of R oscillations. The R oscillations are definitely associated with Tucson events o£ relatively large magnitude. OBSERVATIONS IN REYKJAVIK The magnetic recorder in Reykjavik, Iceland, was installed in 1958 and has since been in operation. An examination of the Reykjavik records reveals that much the same types of oscillations are observed there as in California. 70 JÖKULL



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