
Jökull - 01.12.1977, Blaðsíða 40

Jökull - 01.12.1977, Blaðsíða 40
H-4, white tephra. Lithics. Sub-units (b) (c) <d) w% Fig. 16. Histograms of lithic fragments in the white unit of H4 on Saudafell, 8 km N of Hekla. The “shots” are stippled. Mynd 16. Kornastœrðar- dreifing bergbrota úr Ijósa hluta á Sauða- felli. The two sub-units terrned (a) and (b) have not been found together in any of the localities and it is therefore not known which one is erupted first. The sub-unit (a) consists of an extremely fine-grained white ash. It is not found in the immediate vicinity of Hekla and seerns to reach maximum thickness (ca. 10 cm) 30—40 km N of the volcano. There tlie mean grain size is 5.5 <J> (0.02 mm). In some places it forrns a hard- ened crust. It was carried almost directly to- wards N and can be traced all over Northern Iceland. The profile referred to for sub-units (b)—(d) is at Saudafell, 10 km N of Hekla’s Summit Crater, where the white unit is more than two meters thick. Sub-unit (b) is a relatively thin layer found at the bottom of the deposit in the area N of the volcano and seems to be of local extension only. The distribution indicates that it erupted from the extreme NE encl of the Hekla fissure. The pumice is coarse-grained, the niean grain size in the Saudafell profile is in excess of —3 $ (8 mm) and the largest pumice clasts measure up to 15 cm (maximum diameter). The lithics, mostly basalt, make up to 19 weight % of the tephra. Their histograms are bimodal (Fig. 16). The largest lithic fragments are “shots” and indicate violent explosions cluring the forrna- tion of the sub-unit, which may represent the opening stage of the eruption. Sub-unit (c) is rclatively coarse-grained and forms the main part of the white tephra at Saudafell. The mean grain size of the pumice is —2 <J> (4 mm) and lithic fragments, mainly 38 JÖKULL 27. ÁR basalt, constitute 21 weight % of the tephra. Stratification is lacking and the lithics are even- ly distributed in the tephra. The mode of eruption was probably continuous uprush with- out any distinct explosions. Together (a) and (c) form the main part of the unit. Both were carried chiefly towards N. Fielcl evidence in Northern Iceland suggests that (c) was carried sligthly more westwards than (a), this is thought to be due to advection, the change in wind direction with elevation, indicating that the extremely fine-grained ash of (a) was transported at higher levels than the nrore coarse-grained (c) (Fig. 18). Brownish Greyish Greyish black brown yellow Fig. 17. The distribution of the three upper FH-units near Hekla. Mynd 17. Útbreiðsla dökkbrúna, grábrúna og grágula hluta H± nœrri Heklu.
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