
Jökull - 01.12.1977, Blaðsíða 58

Jökull - 01.12.1977, Blaðsíða 58
m moles/kg 14 1.4 1.2 1.0 o 0.8 o o 0.4 0.2 0 200 220 240 260 280 °C 200 220 240 260 280 °C Fig. 5. The relationship o£ gas concentrations (A) and gas ratios (B) with aquifer temperatures in wells 4 to 9. The plotted points are averages ior samples collected during 1973—1974. In this period trends in the gas compositions were not observable. The averages are believed to demon- strate Itetter the relationship in question than individual analyses do, because they level out the erratic distribution o£ the former. Mynd 5. Samband gasinnihalds (A) og gaslilutfalla (B) við hitastig i vatnsceðurn hola 4 til 9. Einstakir punktar á línuritunum samsvara meðaltali fyrir sýni, sem safnað var á timabilinu 1973— 1974. A þessu tímabili voru ekki sjáanlegar breytingar á gasinnihaldi einstakra hola. Talið er, að meðaltölin sýni betur þau sambönd, sem um rœðir, en einstakar valdar efnagreiningar gerðu, þar sem þau jafna út óreglulegar sveiflur i gildur einstakra efnagreijiinga. B • H2/H2S ° C02/H2S o • % o 1978) and pyrite and pyrrhotite. The removal of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide from solution by such precipitation will lower the total gas content of the steam-water mixture. Conductive cooling will also lead to pyrrhotite and pyrite precipitation but not to calcite pre- cipitation because the solubilities of pyrrhotite and pyrite decrease with falling temperature but that of calcite increases. It seems possible that the relatively high CO2/H0S ratios in the cooler and more gas deficient waters, has re- sulted from removal of sulphide from solution by pyrrhotite and pyrite precipitation during conductive cooling. At the same time the hydro- gen concentrations would decrease through the following reaction: 56 JÖKULL 27. ÁR S— + 4H20 = SO4— + 4H2 Oxidation of hydrogen sulphide would have the same effect as pyrrhotite precipitation. Which of these two processes is the most im- portant cannot be deduced from the available data. DISCUSSION The variable gas content o£ the well dis- charges at Námafjall can be explained by the following model: The major upflow zone underlies the Námafjall hyaloclastite ridge and sicleways movement of water to the west sup- plies the wells. Steam formation in the upflow
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