
Jökull - 01.12.1977, Blaðsíða 81

Jökull - 01.12.1977, Blaðsíða 81
An Equation for Gravity Waves on Deep Water GUNNAR BODVARSSON SCHOOL OF OCEANOGRAPHY AND DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY, CORVALLIS, OREGON 97331 abstract A single scalar equation for the amplitude of gravity waves on deep water can in the lineariz- ed infinitesimal amplitude approximation be derived on the basis of elementary potential theory. The spatial part of the wave operalor involved acts as the square root of the two- dimensional Laplacian operating on the domain defined by the static free surface. The charac- teristics of gravity waves such as dispersion re- sult from the special properties of this operator. INTRODUCTION The theory of gravity waves on deep water has interested mathematicians and physicists for centuries. The subject has a long and impres- sive history which can be traced back to Cauchy and Poisson at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Research in this field is still very active, and a number of excellent books have appeared (Stoker, 1957; Kinsman, 1965; Phillips, 1966) describing both the classical theory and notable recent results. It is of sorne interest to note that in spite of the very rich and well developed tlieory, no single equation which can be referred to as the equation of gravity waves of infinitesimal ampli- tude, appears to liave been set forth in the literature. Well defined wave equations, on the other hand, provide the basis for the theory of other oscillatory scalar fields such as in tlie theory of sound where d’Alembert’s equation plays a central role. Although it is quite obvious that the theory of gravity waves has been progressing very well without the benefit of a basic wave equation, there is little doubt that the availability of such an equation would help to both simplify and clarify some aspects of the theory. Tlie present short note intends to demonstrate that a gravity wave equation can be obtained by elementary means witiiin the framework of classical line- arized theory, viz., involving waves of an in- finitesimal amplitude on the surface of a deep layer of an ideal fluid. We will commence by introducing our principal mathematical tool, the surface operator which generates the deriva- tive of a harmonic function across a given sur- face on the basis of the values of tlie function on the surface. THE SURFACE OPERATOR Consider a rectangular coordinate system and a simply connected 2-dimensional domain 2 with a piecewise smooth boundary y embedded in the plane z = 0. Let B be the 3-dimensionaI cylindrical product domain of 2 antl the inter- val (0,d) on the z-axis. Moreover, let 2 + T denote the boundary of B where F consists of the side surface of B and the end face in the z = d plane. The general field point in B is P = (x,y,z). Let cf, (P) be a function which is harmonic in B, that is, -V20 = 0, P in B, (1) and which satisfies the Neumann type boundary condition on T, d(þ/dn = 0, P on T, (2) where n is the outward normal to F- Since cþ (l’) is harmonic in B and satisfies a prescribed condi- tion on r, its values in B are uniquely deter- mined by the boundary values cþ0 (S) on 2 where S = (x,y) is a field point on 2- The JÖKULL 27. ÁR 79
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