
Jökull - 01.12.1977, Blaðsíða 88

Jökull - 01.12.1977, Blaðsíða 88
of images and observe diat because of the small amplitude condition, the pressure field in F for t -» oo will be Ps (P) = (-fo/^C) [(l/rPQ) + (1 /rPQ’)]» (18) and the associated surface amplitude is given by hS (S) = -f„/277/>gCrSQ (19) where Q' = (0,0,—d) and rt>Q = [(x~x')2 + (y-y')2 + (z-d)2]^> (20) rPQ’= [(x-x')2 + (y-y')2 + (z+dm (2i) rSQ = Kx-x')2 + (y-y')2 + d2]%- (22) Equation (18) gives the stationary flow pres- sure due to the sink at Q. To obtain the correct initial condition at t = 0, we have only to add to pH the pressure field due to a surface ampli- tude distribution of —hs imposed at t = 0 on F in equilibrium. The response to this initial condition is given by (15) and has then to be added to (18). The integral in (15) with h0 = —hs can be evaluated with the help of the potential theoretical identity f /rrQ’ = (z/2tt) (l/r3pu) (f/fuq) dau> (23) 2 where U = (x", y"), dal: = dx"dy" and rpu = [(x-x")2 + (y-y'O + z2]^ 24) ruQ = [(x"-x02 + (y"-yO + d2]% (25) Applying (23) we find that the solution to our problem is P(P>t) = Ho/4nC) [(I/rPQ) + (l/rPQ>) - (2/rpq,t)], (26) wliere t > 0 and rPQ’t = [(x-x02 + (y-y')2 + (z+at+d)2]>/2 (27) The elevation of the fluid surface is obtained from (26) by taking z = 0 and h = p/gp, viz., h (S,t) = - (v0/27rgC) [(1 /rBQ) - (1 /rSQ,t)] (28) where v0 = fn/p is the volume rate of the sink, S = (x,y) is a point on £ and rSQ’t = [(x-x02 + (y-y')2 + (at+d)2]+ (29) DISCUSSION Equation (27) reveals that the effect of the free fluid surface on the pressure drawdown due to the concentrated constant sink of strength f0 starting at time t = 0 can be represented by the pressure field due to a stationary image sink of strength f0 located at Q' = (x', y', —d) and a moving image source of strength 2f0 located at Q't = [x', y', —(at+d)]. At time t = 0+ the image sink and i/2 of the image source cancel resulting in an initial pressure field of p (P,0+) = - (f0/47rC) [(1 /rPQ) - (l/rPQ,)]. (30) At very large times, that is at t >> d/a, when the image source has retreated far into tlie negative half space, the third term in (26) be- comes negligible and the pressure field reaches its stationary value ps given by (18). The fluid surface is then at h» (s) = - vo/27rgCrSQ, (31) and the final stationary position vertically above the sink is consequently h8(S0) = -v0/27rgCd, (32) where the point S0 = (x', y', 0). Moreover, we find tliat the rate of drawdown vertically above the sink is r(So>1) = -dh(S0,t)/dt = (v0/2tt</>) (at+d)-2. ^ It is interesting to note that the initial rate of drawdown is r (So>0+) = vc/2tT(f>V, (34) and the time required to reach l/2 of the sta- tionary drawdown vertically above the sink given by (32) is t,A = d/a. (35) We will also consider the recovery of the fluid surface following a period of withdrawal by the concentrated sink located at Q = (x', y', d). We assume that the fluid surface is in equilibrium, at t = 0, that is, h (S,0) = 0. Let fluid withdrawal by the sink at Q start at t = 0+ and continue for a period of time t0. The withdrawal is then discontinued and the 86 JÖKULL 27. ÁR
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