
Jökull - 01.12.1977, Blaðsíða 86

Jökull - 01.12.1977, Blaðsíða 86
Unconfined Aquifer Flow with a Linearized Free Surface Condition GUNNAR BODVARSSON SCHOOL OF OCEANOGRAPHY AND DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY, CORVALLIS, OREGON 97331 ABSTRACT Applying standard linearization to the free surface boundary condition for a fluid flowing under gravity through a homogeneous isotropic Darcy type porous solid, a number of useful solulions for the free surface elevation can be obtained. Flows without and with simple sources are discussed below. INTRODUCTION The theory of Darcy type fluid flow in un- confined homogeneous aquifers is of consider- able importance in the modeling of many hydrological and geothermal systems. Although the inherently non-linear free-surface condition presents some mathematical problems, these can often be overcome in many practical situations. In particular, in the case of slow small surface amplitude flow, we are able to linearize the free-surface condition and depend entirely on elementary potential theory to solve the flow problems. Many flow models with relatively deep sources can be treated adequately by such methods. This is of particular importance in the case of geothermal systems where the pro- duction boreltoles are quite deep and therefore cause only a relatively minor perturbation of tlie free water surface. The present paper dis- cusses a class of such flow problems wliere a linearization of the surface condition can be applied. BASIC EQUATIONS Consider a half-space of an incompressible homogeneous ancl isotropic porous medium of 84 JÖKULL 27. ÁR area porosity cþ permeated by a liomogeneous incompressible gravitating fluid F of clensity p. Let the equilibrium static free surface of the fluid be represented by tlie horizontal plane 2- In the state of motion the free fluid surface is deformetl to the non-stationary surface fi. We place a coordinate system with the origin on 2 and the z-axis vertically down. Let P = (x,y,z) be the general field point, S = (x,y) be points on 2 al|d t be the time. We assume that the flow of the fluid through the porous medium is governed by Darcy’s law, q = -C(Vp-pg) (1) where q (P,t) = (u,v,w) (P,t) is the mass flow vector, C is the fluid conducticity, p (P,t) is the total fluid pressure and g the acceleration of gravity. It is customary to express C = k/v where k is the pormeability of the medium and v is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. Since the fluid is homogeneous incompressible V • q = f (2) where f (P,t) is the source density. Assuming p = ph + p where ph is the hydrostatic pressure and p (P,t) the flow pressure, we obtain on the basis of (1) and (2) —V2p = f/C, P in F. (3) The pressure p is thus a harmonic function of P in F. The free surface fi is characterized by a con- stant external pressure which can be assumed to be zero. A linearization of the free-surface condition can be carried out as follows. We assume that fi is quasi-horizontal, that is, de- viates from 2 by a vertical amplitude h (S,t)
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