
Jökull - 01.12.1977, Blaðsíða 78

Jökull - 01.12.1977, Blaðsíða 78
0.60 km3/yr (0.50 km3/yr i'rom Grímsvötn and 0.10 km3/yr from the cauldrons). Consider the cause of the increased runoff towards Skaftá since the early 1950ies. Thermal activity may have migrated across the water divide of the Grímsvötn water basin as a result of small fluctuations in the surface activity of the geothermal field. Such fluctuations can result frorn intrusive activity at shallow levels and from tectonic events. However, according to the liydrological data, the total geothermal power in the central part of Vatnajökull did not increase as the runoff towards Skaftá in- creased in the 1950ies. The strength of the geo- thermal field seems to have remained fairly con- stant. If the Grímsvötn geothermal field has expandecl, this has taken place at the expense of the average lieat flux density. Alternatively, the Grímsvötn water basin may have diminished in area and an increased part of the geothermal field been left outside the water basin. The ice cauldron which was formed in 1955 is situated in an area where the direc- tions of runoff are fairly sensitive to changes in the glacier surface topography. The glacier surface contours turn from east-west to north- west direction at this site (Fig. 1). Tlie general shrinkage of Vatnajökull in the first lialf of this century has changed the glacier surface topo- graphy and affected the drainage of meltwater at tlie glacier bottom. In 1938 an extensive de- pression was formed north of Grímsvötn (7 km long, 2 km wide, 200—300 m deep) (Fig. 1). At about 1950 the depression liad been refillecl with ice. In 1955 the eastern ice cauldron was formed about 4 km west of the site where the depression was forrned in 1938. THE ACCUMULATION OF MELTWATER AND TRIGGERING OF THE JÖKULHLAUPS Björnsson (1974, 1975) and Nye (1976) have explained how water can be accumulated at a glacier bottom if melting by geothermal activity has created a depression in the glacier surface. Ice will flow towards the geothermal area where it melts. The meltwater does not drain con- tinuously away, but becomes trapped at the bed beneath the depression. The water storage is sealed off by a pressure barrier because the over- burden pressure is lower beneath the depres- sion than around it. The water pressure will increase beneath the depression as a water cupola rises above the glacier bed. A jökul- hlaup occurs if the pressure barrier is reduced to zero. Björnsson (1975) presented a model which predicts a jökulhlaup from the present water cupola when the ice surface has risen about 100 m. If all water drains out of the cupola during the jökulhlaup, an ice cauldron witli a diameter of 2 km will be formed. The agree- ment with observations is fairly good. In the model, the ice thickness above the cupola is constant, that is to say, the ice melted at the geothermal area equals the inflow of ice. The geothermal activity beneath the ice cauldron has not been constant in time. The production of meltwater has increased on the average since 1955 (Fig. 4). The inflow of ice to the geothermal area may be variable, there- fore, one can expect some variations with time in the thickness of the ice above the water cupola. Hence, fluctuations in the height of the water cupola are to be expected. A jökulhlaup occurs if a given value for the ice overburden pressure outside the depression is matched by the total overburden pressure of water and ice at the cupola. If the ice thickness above the cupola is decreased, the cupola itself would have to rise liigher than before for a jökulhlaup to be triggered. Botli the volume of the water cupola and the time interval between the jökul- hlaups would be increased. This may explain the trend of both increased water volumes of jökulhlaups and increased intervals between jök- ulhlaups from 1955 to 1965 (Fig. 4). An increase in the ice thickness above the cupola, on the other hand, may explain the trend of decreased volumes of jökulhlaups from 1965 to 1970. A variation in tlie volume of cupolas from 100-10° m3 to 250 • 10° m3 corresponds to a variation in the heights of water cupolas from 90 m to 120 m. No simple model can describe tlie accumula- tion of meltwater ancl triggering of the jökul- hlaups after 1970. This may result from the formation of the western ice cauldron. 76 JÖKULL 27. ÁR
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