Jökull - 01.12.1999, Blaðsíða 36
Figure 6. (f) View NNW, en échelon dykes using the columnar joints of the lava piles; the dykes strike NW, dip
80°-85° SW and consist of 0.5-0.6 m thick segments; (g) View E, basaltic dyke injected into a steeply dipping
normal fault below the unconformity. Both fractures trend NE, the dyke is 0.55 m thick and the fault has a throw
>5 m. The fault to the right dips 86° SW (dips to the right), has 0.5 m throw and is normal-slip; it appears as
a reverse fault due to the presence of a small cliff and the oblique view. L: lava; S: scoria. — (f) Horft NNV
á skástíga bergganga sem troðist hafa samsíða stuðlum bergins. Gangarnir, sem eru 0,5-0,6 m þykkir, stefna
NV með 80-85 gráðu halla til suðvesturs. (g) Horft til austurs á berggang sem troðist hefur inn í bratt siggengi
sem liggur neðan Hreðavatnsmislœgisins. Gangurinn er 0,55 m þykkur og hefur sömu norðaustur stefnu og
misgengið. L táknar hraun en S hraunkarga.
The data presented here have a bearing on the ques-
tions of fault geometry and tilting in Iceland. Some
related aspects such as listric faulting, formation and
development of fractures with respect to depth, re-
gional tilting and fault-dips towards and away from
the rift zone, have been discussed previously by many
authors. Typical listric faults and linked deforma-
tion are described offshore, in association with rift-
34 JÖKULL, No. 47