
Jökull - 01.12.1999, Blaðsíða 82

Jökull - 01.12.1999, Blaðsíða 82
Figure 6. Shapes of the kettles according to their axes ratios (W/L : DAV) on the Höfðabrekkujökull (circles, N=16) and Skeiðarárjökull forefields (trian- gles, N=18). — Samanburður á stœrðarhlutföllum jökulkerja á Mýrdalssandi (hringir) og Skeiðarár- sandi (þríhyrningar). with a shallow, periodically changing and disappear- ing water table, surfacial sands (H) and denudative sediments (I) from the young walls of the cleft of the kettle. Deposits and evolution of a rimmed-normal kettle The sediments of the substratum of this kettle are represented by two lithofacies sets (Figures 9-13). Moraine diamicton (A on Figure 11A), gravelly, and massive, with lenticles of fine sand. Its roof is ero- sionally lowered beneath the out-melting-denudative series but lies about 2 m higher under the fluvioglacial series. The other set consists of massive fine-grained sand (B) with lenticles and strips of silt and coarse- grained sand. The original lamination of silts is dis- sected by a few, small normal and reverse faults. The textural characteristics of the sediment and its slightly disturbed structure indicate an environment of stand- ing waters with episodic flux. However, the deforma- tional structures of the deposits of both lithofacies sets and their erosional roofs may be genetically linked to the deposition of a block of ice above them. Figure 7. Morphology and geological structure of the bottom of a normal melt-out kettle 10. — Þversnið af jökulkeri 10. Fluvioglacial sediments (C) with a thickness of 1.4-2.2 m, make up the primary surroundings of the kettle (Figures 10, 11A and 13). They are composed of horizontal layering of gravel and sand with boul- ders, slightly inclined towards the rounded bottom of the kettle. The development of rims around the kettle, is linked with the deposition of out-melting- denudative deposits (sets F, G, and H, on Figure 13: 1-3). The following deposits form the rim: (a) sediments of melt-out diamicton (F), with a pre- dominance of coarse gravel and boulders, tightly packed and reaching up to 20 cm. They might have been melted out of moraine material from the bottom of the dead ice (Figure 13: 3-5). (b) fine and medium sands with diamicton (G) and boulders in the central part of the lithofacies set, along with small laminated layers of fine sand. This sedi- ment represents the lithofacies of a small depression, permanently filled with water. It was formed under and between a melting wall of ice with diamicton, which was flowing and falling from the highest parts of the ice mass and from the edge of the sandur (Fig- ures 10, 11A and 13: 2-3). The complex, which orig- inally had slight inclining layers of fine sand, was greatly deformed by the gravitational push of the over- laying sediments (H) and the melting of smaller pieces of the block of ice lying below, formed by the break- up of the original block (Figure 13: 3-5). In connec- tion with this, the depositional structure of the satu- rated sediment underwent folding and severe shatter- 80 JÖKULL, No. 47
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