Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Blaðsíða 9

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Blaðsíða 9
Gavin Lucas EDITORIAL This fourth issue of Archaeologia Islandica runs as a special edition on the archaeology of the Westfjords, the north- westem peninsula of Iceland. In the past few years, the amount of archaeological research in this region has gone from practically nil to a developed research initiative as part of a larger package pro- moting the cultural heritage of this tradi- tionally marginal part of the country. The papers in this volume reflect the diversity of work that has taken place and the potential of íuture research. Apart from the one paper by Krivogorskaya et al on the midden at Gjögur, all the work reported here has taken place within the last two years, mostly as part of individ- ual research programmes. In this respect, it is important to highlight the work of Ragnar Edvardsson, who as part of his doctoral studies, has been tireless in his promotion of the region and two of the papers here reflect key aspects of his research. The culmination of this new interest has been the development of a major multi-disciplinary project "Vestfirðir á miðöldum" (The Westfjords in the Middle Ages), a collaborative enterprise involv- ing local communities, historians and archaeologists. The project is chaired by Dr. Torfí Tulinius of the University of Iceland who has also written the intro- duction to this special edition of Archae- ologia Islandica. The scheme is, among other things, funding the archaeological investigations at Vatnsfjörður, as a joint research project and field school. The papers presented here span many periods, from the settlement to the 20th century, and the role of fishing is clearly a recurrent theme. However, other more general issues are also discussed which have wider relevance and an important point to come out of all these papers is that the potential of archaeology to explore the history, especially of a per- ceived marginal region, is immense. It is hoped that this volurne of Archaeologia Islandica will, in some small measure, add to the momentum of research now being conducted and give readers a flavour of this important work.
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Archaeologia Islandica

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