Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Blaðsíða 79

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Blaðsíða 79
Eyri in Skutulsfjörður Material No. fragments Find categories Bone - Unworked animal bones (4,5 kg). Shell - Unworked shell (14 g). Textile 2 Woven cloths. Copper alloy 14 Copper alloy: Fitting (8), coin (2), button (1), rivet (1), plate (1), Vessel? (1). Lead alloy 4 Sheeting (2), object (2). Iron 370 Nails (185), rivets (19), fish hooks (16), slag (17), knifes (6), barb vire (3), vessels (6), rings (4), horseshoes (4), buckle (1), handle (1), lock (1), hinge (1), spike (1), staple (1), lid (1), loop (1), pipe (1), str uctural fittings other than nails (51). Unidentified objects: Plates (21), lumps (16), objects (5) pins (8). Stone 37 Whetstones (14), coal (14), fish hammer (2), chalk (1), roof tile (2) ,writing slates (2), sinker (1), fragment? (1). Glass 177 Window glass, vessels, buttons (3). Ceramic 980 Bricks (57), pottery (895), clay pipes (28). Composite 3 Objects (2), knife (1). Plastic Total 2 1589 Fragments. Table 1. Finds: material, count andfind categories. town of ísafjörður and its nearest sur- roundings were quite fashionable for the period in question. Other material pres- ent includes structural fíttings, mostly nails but also a hinge, staple and lock. Boat rivets and físh hooks form a rather large group, not surprisingly for a site that relied on the sea as well as agricul- ture for a living. The most common fish hook type has flattened head and a barb (fíg. 6). Window glass and glass vessels are also a large group, the vessels being predominantly bottles (some datable to 19th century). Domestic objects like an iron cauldron and pots are present and also common are multi-purpose objects such as knifes, all large “kitchen” type knifes. A small collection of clay pipe fragments was recovered, mostly stems, but with fragments from two bowls. There were few diagnostic pieces but, on the whole, the collection appears to be mid 18th-early 19th century in date. The pipes are most likely to be Dutch, though only one was stamped, GOUDA and with the maker [...jARTEN. Personal items were few: three glass buttons, all with four holes, and a small copper alloy rivet, probably a clothing item. Organic mate- rial is not a major group in the finds assemblage. No bone artefacts, leather or wood were found, only two well-pre- served textile fragments of woven cloth (wool). Nevertheless, 4.5 kg of very well preserved unworked bone (food waste) were retrieved both of fish and domestic animals. The lack of organic material can perhaps be considered a token of reuse of materials. It must be noted that because of the farm being abandoned in 1874 and then probably used for dumping and other purposes at least until 1925, it is quite probable that the excavated 77
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Archaeologia Islandica

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