Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Blaðsíða 17

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Blaðsíða 17
The Westfjords All this speaks for the vitality of a written culture in the Westfjords at least until the end of the seventeenth century, and even on to the eighteenth century, a vitality which also found expression in music and painting.15 The eighteenth and early nine- teenth century seems to have been com- paratively poor in the history of the Westfjords. This is also true for the rest of Iceland, but when the economic, polit- ical and cultural recovery began around the middle of the nineteenth century, the Westíjords were soon at the forefront. Indeed, the modemisation of fisheries was in many ways spearheaded by the inhabitants of this region and one cannot but wonder whether the only explanation is the proximity of físhing grounds or whether there was something in the cul- ture of the area that promoted adaptabili- ty and the capacity to innovate.16 Indeed, it is my feeling that, more than in other parts of the country, the conditions for a knowledge-based society were gathered in the Westfjords: a vibrant lay culture, diverse economic activity, focussed how- ever on físhing, which demands exten- sive experience and the mastery of all kinds of techniques, and fínally the pos- sibility of specialisation in a densely pop- ulated area with many opportunities for trade. This feeling can only be proven to be founded in reality through further research in the cultural history of the region. An important aspect of this research is archaeology as the articles of this volume bear witness to. The exis- tence of the multi-disciplinary project "Vestfírðir á miðöldum", which, among other things, is financing the ongoing archaeological excavations at Vatnsíjörð- ur, will hopefully lead to a renewed understanding of the history of this interesting region and of its place in Icelandic and European history. 15 On these aspects see Þórður Ingi Guðjónsson, "Fomfróður sýslumaður ísfirðinga Jón Johnsonius (1749-1826)", Guðrún Laufey Guðmundsdóttir, "Syng mín sál, með glaðværð góðri" and Þóra Kristjánsdóttir, "Vestfirskur aðall úr pensli Vatnsfjarðarprófasts og annarra snillinga", all in Ársrit Sðgtfélags ísfirðinga 43 (2003), respectively p. 115-126, 171-184 and 215-228. 16 On the swift growth of the economy of the Westfjords, see Halldór Bjamason, "Hugarfar, fjármagn og danskt forræði" and Jón Þ. Þór, "Hákarlinn og endurreisn íslensks efnahagslífs á 19. öld", Ársrit Sögufélags Isfirðinga (43) 2003, respec- tively p. 259-276 and 277-284. 15
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Archaeologia Islandica

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