Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Blaðsíða 72

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Blaðsíða 72
James Taylor, Guðrún Alda Gísladóttir, Andrea Harðardóttir and Gavin Lucas 1984:31). In the 17th century Eyri becomes famous as being the residence of the priest Jón Magnússon who accused two men from a nearby farm for witch- craft and had them bumed. Those dra- matic events are described by Jón him- self in his biography (Magnússon 2001). In the 18th century a trading sta- tion was established in Skutulsfjörður and the importance of the area increased even though the trading houses were not con- nected to the farm itself. The land was bought from the farm shortly after the trading center received its license in 1786 (Ólafsson 1965:30). In 1782 the church in Eyri was destroyed in a storm but shortly afterwards a new one was built. That church was not big enough for the growing congregation and in 1858 a new church was constmcted (Þór 1984:236- 7). The current church in ísafjörður is a large concrete building dating to 1995 and lies over the foundations of the older church (BB 1995:8). The town of Isafjörður was for- mally establised in 1866 and though the farm and the church were situated within the town, they were not part of its prop- erty (Þór 1984:252). In 1872 the town formally bought the fann and soon after that, probably in 1874 (Ólafsson 1966:211-12), the farm was finally aban- doned and tom down. The timber from the old farmhouse was reused in other houses in the town (Ólafsson 1965:47) but these houses have recently been tom down too. The mins were left untouched until 1925 when building of a hospital, located in the old homefield, com- menced. Stones from the mins were used for all kinds of purposes but after con- struction work fínished, the mins were flattened and grassed over (Magnússon 1965:42). In 1974 a memorial dedicated to drowned fishermen was raised in the old homefield of Eyri. When the trench for the foundation was dug, a lot of ani- mal bones, peat ash and glass was found. It was thought to be the farm’s midden (Pétursson 2003), which subsequent investigation verifíed. It is remarkable that the area has never been built over during the growth of the town of Isafjörður. Town people say that the rea- son is probably how valuable grass land is in the area and the old homefíeld was used to make hay until late in the 20th century. The Site The old fann site sits on a gentle slope which is dropping from ca. 3 m above sea level on the northeastem side to ca. 2.1 m above sea level to the southwest. The study area is primarily within the limits of the landscaped grass gardens sur- rounding the old hospital. Some foot- paths cross the area and a playground is situated at the northeastem limit. The vis- ible remains include two adjacent sub- rectangular mounds orientated northeast- southwest. The largest mound, to the northwest, has a visible extent of some 51 m long and 21 m wide. The highest part of this mound is 4.1 m above sea level, dropping to approximately 3.1 m at its southwestem limit. The surface of the mound has a number of clear depressions and raised linear features, which subse- quently corresponded to structural remains below the surface. The south- eastem mound has significantly smaller visible extents, due partly to apparent truncation at the east by both a public footpath and a cemetery, and to the southeast by a statue base. The surviving limits measure some 25 m long by 11 m wide. The highest point on this mound is 70
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Archaeologia Islandica

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