Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Blaðsíða 118

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Blaðsíða 118
Birna Lárusdóttir, Gavin Lucas, Lilja Björk Pálsdóttir and Stefán Ólafsson Figure 7 1-3. Glass lamp chimney tops, (1-2 with relief tnarks, 3 with etched mark) 4. Medicine phial with cork stopper 5. Phial with external screw thread top 6. Neck of green soda/beer bottle 7. Green soda/beer bottle 8. Base of medicine phial with embossed let- tering found in phase III is more than twice that of phase II which could mean either more activity or a longer period of time. The dating evidence only gives a lower limit of dating for the phases so they cannot be interpreted as absoulute starting dates. If the difference between them is used to estimate the length of the phases, phase II is ca. 15 years long and phase 3 ca. 30 years long. It is difflcult to know how accurate this is but it indicates that the reason for more finds is simply the fact that the phase extends over a longer peri- od of time. Forty-eight pottery sherds were retrieved, dating from the mid-19th century. Analysis of the different types of objects does not indicate many changes. There is for example, little dif- ference in the various types of glass objects between phases II and III. The only exception seems to be the different composition of metal objects. There seems to be a great increase in domestic material and much less building material; this is not visible in the analysis of the nails or the glass objects. It is therefore diffícult to explain this as an indication of less building related activity in phase III. This phase had the highest number of pottery vessels and based on the marked vessels and lithograph decoration, proba- bly starts no earlier than ca. 1890 and extends into the mid-20th century. Figure 8 1. Undecorated whiteware bowl 2. Porcelain saucer with rose lithograph print decoration 3. Spoon 4. Fork with wooden handle 5. Tin can 7. Clench bolts and nails 8. Tobacco pipe stem with marked heel 9. Lead postal seal When objects in phase IV, except for metal objects, are compared to phase III there is a huge decrease in quantity which again might be because of the dif- ferent longevity of the phases. The over- all composition is similar, e.g. domestic (bottles, lamps) and building material (window glass, nails). The metal objects are clearly different and in much larger quantities than in the previous layers. This increase is seen in both domestic and building material, although more in the latter. It seems like a change in disposal pattem - that more metal in general was disposed. It is possible to interpret this as a change in the material culture: That metal was more used in general in both building and domestic objects or that metal was not considered as valuable as before. This final phase shows a decrease in vessels, and though comprised of thick deposits, probably marks a relatively short period of time in the mid-20th century. A total of 178 finds was recov- ered from trench 2. They include metal objects, glass and ceramics. On the whole, the assemblage seems to be con- temporary with the primary phase in the main midden. The oldest dateable fmds are a piece of glazed earthenware, which is probably 17th/18th century and a creamware plate, probably late 18th cen- tury but could be extending into the first decade of the 19th (i.e. ca. 1780-1810). 116
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Archaeologia Islandica

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