Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Blaðsíða 114

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2005, Blaðsíða 114
Birna Lárusdóttir, Gavin Lucas, Lilja Björk Pálsdóttir and Stefán Ólafsson parish priest in Siglufjörður, north Iceland, in the mid-19th century it is mentioned that the people in Siglunes, which was an important shark fishing station, suffered from the lack of peat for melting the liver (SSE, 47). It can final- ly be added that on a photograph that was taken just east of Kúvíkur in 1939, at least 7 or 8 large piles of dried peat can be seen. This proves that peat was an important fuel, even before there was a shortage of imported coal during the Second World War (Bárðarson 1993,418- 419). In order to locate possible older remains or other midden deposits some coring was done in the main ruin area. It was thought to be the most likely place for buried remains as the best landing place is just below it. About 2 m east of Thorarensen's dwelling some midden deposits and turf tumed up in the core. It was decided to put another trench there to observe the nature of those remains. The surface was completely flat without any visible wall remains and in fact the area must have been levelled at some point. The trench was T-shaped, 2.85 m long and up to 1.35 m wide. Some unclear remains of turf- and stone-built walls were uncovered and between them flag- stones had been laid out on a natural gravel surface. The role of this flagstone surface is not obvious as it does not resemble a floor in any sense - rather a foundation of some sort, possibly to flat- ten out the gravel surface and make it more stable. The trench shows that archaeological remains can be expected to be buried under the surface in Kúvikur. At this stage it was not possible to deter- mine what function this particular stmc- ture had. It is clear, however, that it can- not have belonged to the youngest phase of settlement in Kúvíkur, the one that was abolished in the 1950’s. The oldest finds from this trench date to the early nine- teenth century. The Finds The assemblage of fmds from Kúvíkur was fairly large, counting some 2260 fmds of different types: Organic, metal, glass, ceramics, stone and other, e.g. plastics and battery cores. The vast majority of finds was retrieved from trench 1, a total of 2082. The fmds from the midden will be discussed phase by phase. Phase I was relatively poor of artefacts compared to the others and, in fact, there is little evidence that this loca- tion was used for disposal at that time. This supports the aforementioned sug- gestion - that there was a structure of some kind on the bank of the brook before it tumed into a midden. The most interesting pieces were glass fragments of vessels and one from a bottle. Furthermore, a few window fragments were retrieved, some brick fragments and most notably, a number of ceramic roof tile fragments, which are belived to have been rare in Iceland. It is known that roof tiles were imported from Denmark in the late 18th century to use for a roof of a stone church in Reykjavík (Hannesson 1943, 226). The presence of roof-tiles in Kúvíkur may well represent the site's direct connection to Danish merchants. The tiles may not necessarily have been used as such in Kúvíkur but simply reused as building material. One piece of ceramic was found in this phase, a glazed red earthenware tripod cooking pot which could date to anytime from the 17th to the early 19th century. There is a clear transition in 112
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Archaeologia Islandica

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