Fréttablaðið - 04.08.2018, Side 30

Fréttablaðið - 04.08.2018, Side 30
• Umsjónarkennari á yngsta stigi • Umsjónarkennari á miðstigi • Stuðningsfulltrúar á mið- og unglingastigi • Stuðningsfulltrúi í sérdeild fyrir nemendur með einhverfu Nánari upplýsingar gefur Hreiðar Sigtryggsson skólastjóri í síma 6648280 og á Sjá einnig vef Reykjavíkurborgar: Lausar stöður í Langholtsskóla skólaárið 2018-2019 LIND FASTEIGNASALA Auglýsir eftir fasteignasölum til starfa. Reynsla af sölu fasteigna skilyrði. Áhugasamir sendi tölvupóst og ferilskrá á Hlíðasmára 6 201 Kópavogur / Uppspretta ánægjulegra viðskipta E N N E M M / S ÍA / N M 8 9 2 0 2 > Kranastjóri Umsóknarfrestur er til og með 15. ágúst nk. Tekið er á móti umsóknum í gegnum heimasíðu okkar og óskað er eftir því að ferilskrá fylgi umsókn. Umsækjendur verða að hafa náð 18 ára aldri og hafa hreina sakaskrá. Við hvetjum bæði konur og karla til þess að sækja um starfið. Nánari upplýsingar veitir Ómar Örn Karlsson, rekstrarstjóri hafnarsvæðis, í síma 458 8530, Samskip óska eftir að ráða kranastjóra til starfa á athafnasvæði sitt við Kjalarvog. Helstu verkefni kranastjóra er losun og lestun skipa ásamt almennu viðhaldi. Um er að ræða fullt starf. Samskip eru alþjóðlegt flutningafyrirtæki sem býður flutningalausnir og tengda þjónustu á landi, sjó og í lofti með hagkvæmni að leiðarljósi. Starfsfólk Samskipa býður viðskiptavinum faglega ráðgjöf og heildarlausnir á sviði flutninga- og flutningatengdrar þjónustu. Við höfum á að skipa fjölbreyttum hópi starfsfólks sem vinnur ávallt með frumkvæði, samheldni og þekkingu að leiðarljósi. Við leggjum áherslu á markvissa fræðslu og þjálfun starfsfólks. Öryggis- og heilbrigðismál starfsfólks eru okkur mikilvæg og bjóðum við upp á fyrirmyndar vinnuaðstöðu. Menntunar- og hæfnikröfur • Kranaréttindi B eru skilyrði • Reynsla af kranavinnu • Sjálfstæð og öguð vinnubrögð • Íslenskukunnátta er skilyrði • Heiðarleiki, stundvísi og hæfni í mannlegum samskiptum • Gott heilsufar og geta til að vinna undir álagi Alvotech is a privately owned, fully integrated specialty biopharmaceutical company focused on development and manufacturing of high quality biosimilar products. We develop, produce and release our biosimilars in-house with the latest available technology and to the highest quality standards. Our mission is to be a global leader in the biosimilar space and to deliver high quality cost competitive products to patients worldwide. ABOUT ALVOTECH Sæmundargötu 15-19, 101 Reykjavík PIONEERING BIOGENERICS Alvotech is recruiting talent to support our development and manufacturing activities in our state-of-the-art facility located in Reykjavik, Iceland. DS MANUFACTURING USP TECHNICIAN Upstream production technician will be performing cell culture activities in shake flaks, rocker bioreactor and single use bioreactors. Media /Bu…er Preparation for process, assemble and prepare equipment for production are also among the key responsibilities. DS MANUFACTURING DSP SPECIALIST Downstream production specialist will perform chromatography steps, TFF operations and bu…er preparation for process. Assemble and prepare equipment for production. Supervise and ensure laboratory work is carried out according good manufac- turing practices. ANALYTICAL DEVELOPMENT SCIENTIST The scientist will perform physicochemical testing of products and intermediates, develop and validate analytical methods (HPLC and CE), be responsible for writing development protocols and reports. ANALYTICS SAMPLE AND STABILITY MANAGER The manager will arrange and manage sample submissions into the analytical development department and ensure that testing requests are fulfilled and on time. Management of stability studies performed in R&D capacity, arrange and communicate with outside testing laboratories for testing needs and sample submission. QC MICROBIOLOGY SCIENTIST As a member of the Quality control team the scientist's responsibilities include monitoring of the manufacturing facility and clean utilities as well as microbial testing of biopharma- ceutical materials to support manufacturing activities and product release. QC RAW MATERIAL SCIENTIST As a member of the Quality control team the scientist will perform physicochemical testing of products, intermediates or raw materials including chromatographic analysis (GC, HPLC), conductivity and pH measurements, titrations along with other chemical testing. DS MANUFACTURING SUPPORT TEAM TECHNICIAN The technician will ensure the maintenance of sampling and dispensing area including sample and material transfer and manufacturing support. Dispensing of chemicals, material transfer from warehouse to manufacturing and environmental monitoring. Applicants will be required to work in accordance with GMP practices, conducting all activities in a compliant and safe manner. The deadline for applications is the 17th of August 2018. Please submit CVs and cover letters in English for the application process. DP MANUFACTURING TECHNICIAN Drug product technician will perform pre and post-production activities including performing line clearances of the manufac- turing areas, aseptic filling, coding and labeling products and perform visual inspection along with other duties. FACILITIES AND ENGINEERING COMMISSIONING AND QUALIFICATION SPECIALIST The specialist will work in cross-functional teams and will be the primary technical lead for commissioning and qualification activities. Service delivery relating to utilities qualification, quality standards and industry best practice. FACILITIES AND ENGINEERING MAINTENANCE ENGINEER The engineer oversees maintenance of utilities, equipment and technical spaces. The role evolves designing preventive maintenance plans for onsite utilities, manufacturing and laboratory equipment to minimize risk of unplanned mainte- nance and down time. JOIN OUR TEAM OF EXPERTS For further information on all jobs please visit 0 4 -0 8 -2 0 1 8 0 3 :1 5 F B 0 6 4 s _ P 0 4 6 K .p 1 .p d f F B 0 6 4 s _ P 0 3 5 K .p 1 .p d f F B 0 6 4 s _ P 0 1 9 K .p 1 .p d f F B 0 6 4 s _ P 0 3 0 K .p 1 .p d f A u to m a ti o n P la te r e m a k e : 2 0 8 8 -4 A 2 0 2 0 8 8 -4 8 E 4 2 0 8 8 -4 7 A 8 2 0 8 8 -4 6 6 C 2 7 5 X 4 0 0 .0 0 1 4 A F B 0 6 4 s _ 3 _ 8 _ 2 0 1 8 C M Y K



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