Fréttablaðið - 18.08.2018, Side 49

Fréttablaðið - 18.08.2018, Side 49
Þjónustulund, virðing fyrir þeim sem leita til Sjónarhóls og jákvætt viðmót. Eldmóður og áhugi fyrir málefnum barna með sérþarfir. Reynsla af málefnum barna með sérþarfir. Þekking á tiltækum stuðningsúrræðum og réttindum þeirra hópa sem leita til Sjónarhóls. Skipulagshæfileikar, sjálfstæði og frumkvæði í starfi. Háskólamenntun sem nýtist í starfi. Ráðgjafi óskast á Sjónarhól Sjónarhóll – ráðgjafarmiðstöð fyrir fjölskyldur barna með sérþarfir auglýsir stöðu ráðgjafa. Ráðgjöf miðar að því að gæta hagsmuna fjölskyldna barna með sérþarfir, aðstoða fjölskyldur við að finna úrræði, fá þjónustu og veita málum eftirfylgd. Stofnfélög Sjónarhóls eru: ADHD samtökin, Landssamtökin Þroskahjálp, Styrktarfélag lamaðra og fatlaðra og Umhyggja, félag til stuðnings langveikum börnum. Stofnfélögin fjögur og Sjónarhóll eru öll til húsa að Háaleitisbraut 13 í Reykjavík. Heimasíða Sjónarhóls Hæfniskröfur og menntun: Um er að ræða 100% starf. Nánari upplýsingar Sigurrós Á. Gunnarsdóttir framkvæmdastjóri Sjónarhóls, í síma 535-1900. Umsóknum skal skilað á Sjónarhól – ráðgjafarmiðstöð, Háaleitisbraut 13, 108 Reykjavík eða á netfangið fyrir 1. september nk. What you’ll need: • A Bachelor’s Degree is required or equivalent experience. • Creative and innovative personality, complemented by a way with words. • In-depth knowledge and understanding across all major social media platforms, and how each platform can be deployed in different scenarios. • Solid understanding of social media metrics, with the ability to generate, analyze and interpret data to make data-driven decisions. • Excellent verbal and written communications skills in English. • Strategically minded and goal oriented, with the ability to multi-task. • Excellent time management and project management skills, with the ability to prioritize and quickly execute high quality work. • Entrepreneurial, energetic and agile with the ability to work both independently and cross-functionally. • Technically savvy and a quick learner. • Experience with marketing automation tools and SEO. • Knowledge of photo and video editing is a plus. What you’ll do: • Manage, implement and represent the Social Media strategy and channels for NetApp Cloud, portfolio and products. • Lead, create and execute day-to-day tactical social media posts and editorial calendar for NetApp Cloud’s social media channels. • Manage cross-functional teams and outsourced resources to develop content. • Actively engage and respond on social media to increase and build personal relationships with our followers. Be proactive in finding new ways to approach and attract our audience over social channels. • Improve message, content and SEO by establishing a social listening process and reporting mechanism to proactively identify and report on trends, voice of customer, keywords, influencers, sentiment and tonality. • Create and implement social promotional plans around events, product launches and campaigns. • Document processes against measured benchmarks and report and adjust efforts to what gives best results. Visit to apply and find out more information. Note that only applications in English will be accepted. Play a crucial role in building awareness for NetApp’s Cloud brand and supporting our Go-To-Market strategy. As a Social Media Manager for NetApp cloud data services, you are responsible for creatively promoting our products through a steady drumbeat of engagements, managing the NetApp Cloud social media channels; increasing our follower base, and supporting marketing projects in the areas of demand generation and events. You are an innovative, technically savvy, self-motivated and driven individual with a passion for success. Social Media Manager for Cloud netapp_half_page_08.4_new.indd 2 16/08/2018 13:54 1 8 -0 8 -2 0 1 8 0 4 :2 8 F B 1 0 4 s _ P 0 5 7 K .p 1 .p d f F B 1 0 4 s _ P 0 5 6 K .p 1 .p d f F B 1 0 4 s _ P 0 4 8 K .p 1 .p d f F B 1 0 4 s _ P 0 4 9 K .p 1 .p d f A u to m a tio n P la te re m a k e : 2 0 9 A -7 A 3 0 2 0 9 A -7 8 F 4 2 0 9 A -7 7 B 8 2 0 9 A -7 6 7 C 2 7 5 X 4 0 0 .0 0 1 6 B F B 1 0 4 s _ 1 7 _ 8 _ 2 0 1 8 C M Y K
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